~Chapter Fifteen~

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-Last Time-

"That's not their starting setter," you say just before the whistle, indicating the start of set three, is blown. Suddenly you all hear a new voice.

"Did you guys let them win a set?~


Upon hearing the new voice you and your team turn to the source. A boy with dark brown hair swept outward and eyes of the same color is standing behind Aoba Johsai's coach. He's wearing their team's volleyball jacket.

"You're back. How's the ankle?" the coach asks the boy.

"All good!" he says holding up an 'okay' sign with his fingers. "After all, it was just a light sprain." 'Who is-' you wonder before your question is answered.

"Oikawa-san!!" a bunch of girls begins squealing. Tanaka and Hinata are shocked while Kageyama looks worried. You drown out all the noise and conversations as your eyes are glued to Oikawa, studying him. He starts walking toward your team, specifically Kageyama.

"Hey, Tobio-chan! It's been a while," he says happily waving at Kageyama. "How's that King stuff going?" The two setters stare at each other before you go up to Kageyama and gently touch his shoulder. He breaks eye contact with Oikawa to look at you. He sees the concern on your face but before he can react Oikawa starts talking.

"And who's this?~," he asks flirtatiously.

"I'm one of Karasuno's managers," you say holding out your hand with a fake smile. He shakes your hand while you continue. "(L/N) (Y/N)." Behind you, your team is glaring at Oikawa. He sees this and smirks. He pulls your hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it. You blush and are suddenly pulled away from Oikawa and pushed behind someone. You look up to see that you're behind Kageyama. Oikawa chuckles before he's told to warm up by his coach.

"Gotta go," he begins as he turns around. "Good luck Tobio-chan~," He then looks back and meets your eyes. "Bye~ Cutie~," he says with a wink.

As Oikawa walks away you hear some girls talking about when Oikawa will play. You look over at Tanaka who seems to have heard the conversation also. He looks extremely angry that the brown-haired boy is getting so much attention from the girls. You walk up to him and start talking.

"Tanaka," He looks at you only to see that you have a mischievous look on your face. "Why don't you use that anger to show them how awesome you are." He looks at you with surprise before the same grin appears on his face.

"I like your thinking (Y/N)."

The third and final set starts and everyone is giving it their all. Tanaka is channeling his anger into his spikes, which makes them harder to receive. The duo's quick attack is working and earning points. Kageyama and Tsukishima are working together when blocking... well sorta.

Karasuno soon hits matchpoint with Aoba Johsai at 20 points. Onion Head spikes the ball toward Tsukishima, who fails to receive it.

"Don't worry Tsuikishima!" you say encouragingly.
"Nice kill Kindaichi!" one of the other players says. 'Hm...so his name is Kindaichi...' you think to yourself.

You look over at the opposing bench to see Oikawa talking to his coach. He notices you looking and winks. You roll your eyes, look away, and turn to Takeda and Kiyoko.

"Great," you begin and they turn to you.

"What's wrong?" Takeda asks.

"Oikawa is warmed up."

As if on cue, the whistle is blown. You look to see it's a player substitution and Oikawa is switching with number 7. 'He's going in as a pinch server?' you question yourself. You look at your teammates on the court to see Hinata surprised, Tanaka flipping Oikawa off, Daichi hitting Tanaka, and Kageyama looking nervous. 'I don't have a good feeling...' you think.

"Stay on your toes guys!" you warn. Oikawa smirks at you before speaking.

"No matter how powerful your offense is...." he begins before pointing at Tsukishima. "...it means nothing if you can't get the ball into play." 'Oh, no... this is bad.'

Oikawa tosses the ball in the air and performs a powerful jump serve that is aimed right at Tsukishima. 'I knew it!' you exclaim in your head. You see Suga has figured it out as well. Tsukishima tries to receive it but fails due to his lack of skills in receiving and the sheer force of it.

"I thought so," Oikawa says after being awarded a point. "I was watching earlier and noticed the tall #6 and the shorty #5..." You start to worry which makes you mad because you want your boys to win. You unknowingly start to glare at Oikawa. He sees this and finishes his sentence. "...aren't good at receiving, right?" He smiles innocently which makes you angrier. You look to see Tsukishima is also angry, and the players on the sideline and Takeda are scared.

Oikawa serves and targets the blond again. The results are the same as before. You see Tsukishima get even more frustrated. You aren't the only one to notice tho. Suddenly Hinata starts yelling.

"Hey! Great King! Send it to me! I'll get it!" he exclaims while flailing around. As Tsukishima tells the short middle blocker to stop you see Oikawa is confused by the new nickname. Hinata then repeats Tanaka's speech about allies which causes you to softly chuckle. Daichi then instructs the team to move so he has more of a range to receive.

"Good thinking Daichi!" you praise the captain who smiles but his eyes don't leave the court. "You got this guys!" you encourage as Oikawa targets Tsukishima yet again. The blond receives the ball with difficulty, earning praise from you, Suga, and Yamaguchi. Oikawa looks mockingly surprised as the ball heads to his team's side causing it to be a chance ball.

Oikawa receives it and passes it to #5, who sets it for Kindaichi. He spikes it but Hinata jumps and gets a one-touch leading to another chance ball. As Hinata lands, he immediately runs to the other side of the net and performs a quick attack. You watch as Hinata opens his eyes before he hits the ball right past Oikawa.

The whole gym is silent except for the bouncing of the ball. The whistle is then blown. You look at the scoreboard as it reads 25-23 in Karasuno's favor. Karasuno wins...

Takeda slumps in his chair with an impressed look on his face. The boys line up as Suga asks if Takeda is okay.

"...That was...amazing." You giggle at his reaction as Suga enthusiastically rambles. The players run and walk up to your sensei. He becomes surprised and confused when they bow and thank him. You whisper to him to give a speech and he does. You listen to his speech but as he finishes everyone is silent which causes him to freak out and apologize. Daichi calms him down. They bow and thank him again before dispersing to get water and cool down. As they go you hear Takeda say he needs to find them a coach quickly.

"Don't worry sensei," you say causing him to look at you. "You'll find one. I believe in you!" you say with a smile before happily running toward Tanaka, Kageyama, and Hinata who are happily chatting. Takeda watches you before softly speaking.

"Thank you, Miss (L/N). Thank you for helping the team."

-To Be Continued-

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