~Chapter Nine~

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"I WAS THERE KAGEYAMA! I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS LIKE FOR YOU IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! I'M JUST GRATEFUL FOR ANY BALL THAT GETS SENT MY WAY! I'll jump wherever it is! I'll hit it no matter what type of set it is! So whenever you get the ball... SEND IT TO ME!"


"You guys know how to do a quick set?!" Tanaka questions Kageyama and Hinata.

"What's that?" Hinata asks confused.

"That super-fast attack you just did!"

"I've only ever spiked balls that have been tossed in big, high arches," Hinata replies innocently. You chuckle at this.


"You just did one Hinata," you begin explaining while cutting Tanaka off. "You also hit one in middle school. When your setter popped it in the wrong direction during your game with Kageyama is another example."

"Oh, I don't remember how I did that." You playfully shake your head. "But from now on, I'll hit any spike!" You look at Kageyama who is thinking, and suddenly he speaks.

"We've never had any serious combo practice together. It'd be impossible to pull it off." Hinata looks like he's seen a ghost when he hears Kageyama say 'impossible.'

"You're acting quiet and timid today! What's wrong with you?" Hinata questions.

"Nothing! Now shut up!"

"It's creeping me out! Quit it!" Before the duo can continue arguing Tsukishima starts taunting us again. This then leads to Hinata explaining his fascination with The Little Giant. The game is about to resume so Kageyama calls you and Hinata over to talk.

"What's up?" you ask.

"I have an idea of how to get through their blocks." Kageyama starts. "If we can't go through, we go around. Hinata I want you to use all of your energy and reflexes to run up and hit my set, got it?"

"Um, Kageyama, I think you should word it differently."

"Got it!" Hinata yells. You sweatdrop 'I don't think he gets it...' you think.

"Let's give it a try!" Kageyama responds. You all start to walk back to your places.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," you say to Kageyama.

"Huh? I wasn't feeling sick," he responds. This causes you to chuckle. Kageyama stops walking and looks at you. Stopping as well, you smile at him before speaking.

"I know that. I meant you're mood. You seems sad when we were talking about when you were in middle school." Kageyama looks at you with confusion. "I wanted to make sure you were okay but the others thought it would be better if I stayed out of it." Kageyama's confusion turns into shock. 'She wanted to make sure I was okay? She cares about me?' he questions in his head as if he had imagined what you said. "I don't like seeing people I care about hurt." At this statement the setter you're talking to stops functioning. Clueless about the effect your words are having, you continue. "I'm just glad you're not sad anymore." After you say this you give him a quick hug, which doesn't go unnoticed by everyone in the gym. This causes all the boys to become jealous. They give Kageyama glares but he doesn't notice because he's so focused on you hugging him. Your head on his chest because of the height difference and your arms around him. When you let go of him you look at his face, it's extremely red.

"A-Ah! I-I'm so sorry! I just wanted to make you happier but I didn't consider you may not like hugs!" You continue to apologize and bow. Everyone in the gym, besides Kageyama, sweatdrops. 'It's not that serious...but it's adorable how she cares...but it's toward Kageyama...' You're actions stop when you hear a voice.

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