~Chapter Thirteen~

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-Last Time-

"Don't pressure him!" Suga continues while Hinata starts freaking out again. 'Great, here we go again' you think while feeling bad for Hinata. The ginger runs to the bathroom while Suga holds Kageyama back from beating him up. You smile to yourself feeling lucky to have such great teammates.


You and the team walk to the gym when you hear people talking.

"The team we're playing is Karasuno right?" one of the male voices says. "That's where he went right?"

"Who?" a different voice says.

"The King of the Court."

"Oh, you mean Kageyama? He's not too bad. I mean sure, he's talented on his own but he doesn't know what teamwork is." 'Oh, it's on! No one insults my friends!' you think before the guy continues. "It's always about him. He's a diva." 'OH, I'LL SHOW YOU A DIVA!'

"Well, he went to Karasuno, of all places. They used to be good, at least that's what I've heard. I know they have at least one hot manager, she's the perfect combo of cute and hot."

"At least one?"

"Yeah, there's a rumor going around that they have a new, first-year manager, but it's just a rumor. Then there's this other guy that looks like a thug. He's bald and has a scary glare. I bet he's really stupid-"

At that moment Tanaka peaks around the corner surprising the two. Everyone continues walking with you staying out of view. The two boys are speechless when we stop and look at them.

"You shouldn't underestimate us too much..." Tanka begins until a crow kaws. "...or we'll pick you clean." As Tanaka, Kageyama, and Tsukishima glare at the Aoba Johsai players, a flock of crows flies behind us. When the players jump Tsukishima takes this as an opportunity to mess with them.

"You shouldn't say things like that," he says in a cocky tone with a smirk. "The poor things are frightened now."

"We aren't scared!"

"You're right. I should wait until the game to pick on 'em" Tanaka says matter of factly with his smirk. All of a sudden there is a loud voice.

"I can't take my eyes off you two for a second!!" Daichi yells running up to us. "I'm sorry about that!" He apologizes to the Aoba Johsai players. "Let's go! Tanaka quit making faces!" He continues as he pushes the said second year.

"It's been a while... Your Majesty. I can't wait to see what reign you have over at Karasuno." Everyone stops to hear Kageyama's response.

"...Okay," he says before walking to catch up to the team. Suga and Tanaka slap him on each arm. You hear one last comment from the two as you walk away with the team.

"What the heck? He's acting quiet?"

As all of you enter the gym, you thank the for having you all. After thanking them you go over to Kiyoko, who is on the bench. You help her prepare for the game. After it's all set up Daichi calls you over. He asks you to try and calm Hinata down because he saw you talk to him before getting on the bus. 'What am I going to say? I already told him my experience....' you think. As you approach the nervous boy you speak softly.

"Hinata..." He turns to you. "I know you can do it!" You give him a quick hug before going back to Kiyoko. The boy explodes into a blushing mess while Daichi looks at him and thinks, 'Sorry Hinata. She's killed you.'


No one has noticed Aoba Johsai staring at the Karasuno. Well, mostly you.

"Hey, who's that?" one of the boys from earlier asks while pointing at you.

"I don't know, but she's cute." the other one with tall, pointed hair says.

"What are you two talking about?" a boy with spiked hair asks, surprising the two.

"Oh, Uh... we were-" the pointed hair boy says while stuttering.

"I think they're talking about the girl talking to the shorty." a boy with a tired look on his face says.

"She's pretty cute..." a light-haired boy says.

"Get back to warming up!" the spikey-haired boy says. The four get back to warming up but the boy who told them to continues to look at the girl. She starts to head to Karasuno's bench but she sees the boy looking at her. She smiles and nods to say 'Hello', this causes the boy to blush and get back to warming up.


The first set starts and Hinata goes after the ball even if someone else has already called for it. This leads to him bumping into people. This continues the whole set. You look at the scoreboard and to your horror, it's match point. 'It's okay, we can pull this off...' you think before seeing that it's Hinata's serve. '...or not...' Everyone else seems to be thinking the same thing.

Hinata gets into position to serve and begins to stare at the ball, lost in thought. The whistle is blown which scares Hinata and causes him to jump and accidentally throw the ball up. Not being able to do anything else, he hits the ball. You gasp as and cover your mouth when the ball hits Kageyama in the back of the head.

Everyone is shocked and poor Hinata is scared for his life.

-To Be Continued-

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