~Chapter Fourteen~

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-Last Time-

Hinata gets into position to serve and stares at the ball, lost in thought. The whistle is blown which scares Hinata and causes him to jump and accidentally throw the ball up. Not being able to do anything else, he hits the ball. You gasp as and cover your mouth when the ball hits Kageyama in the back of the head.

Everyone is shocked and poor Hinata is scared for his life.


The only sounds that can be heard are the whistle and the ball bouncing. You look at Hinata and he has a hand over his mouth and looks whiter than a ghost. You look at Kageyama just as he lifts his head. 'He looks pissed...' you think. Daichi frantically tries to calm him down.

"Captain." Kageyama begins. "I haven't said anything yet." he finishes with venom in his voice. This scares Daichi. Suga then gets ready in case he has to grab Kageyama. Suddenly Tanaka and Tsukishima start laughing and making jokes.

"Tanaka! Pft. Tsukishima! Pft." you yell trying not to laugh.

"Not helping (Y/N)!!" Daichi yells at you. Kageyama slowly turns around and starts walking toward Hinata.

"Kageyama! You lay one finger on him and I'll punch you again!!" you warn.

'Again?' the opposing team thinks.

Hinata starts backing away from the setter while pleading for his life. He hits the wall and Kageyama stops a few feet away from him.

"...Hey," Kageyama says.

"Y-Yes, sir," Hinata responds with a face that looks like he has accepted death.

"Why are you scared? What's making you so nervous? Is it because they are big? Is it because it's your first game?" Kageyama asks eerily calmly while Hinata is sweating like he's in the desert. Kageyama starts hitting the back of his head repeatedly. "What could possibly be scarier than hitting me in the back of the head with a serve? Well?"


"You just did the scariest thing so there's no reason to be nervous anymore! So get back out there and play normally!"

"...Wait...that screwup wasn't enough?!"

"What are you talking about?!" Kageyama asks. You notice Hinata look at the boy with pointed hair and glare at him. You stop when Tanaka yells Hinata's name. As the second-year stomps toward Hinata, the first-year kneels.

"Listen." Tanaka starts. "Stop thinking you have to play as well as everyone else even though you're a newb... Do you think we're stupid?! You suck! We know that! So what?!" 'Oh boy...' you think as Tanaka continues to lecture Hinata. Takeda asks you and Suga if we should help.

"No. I think it should be good now." Suga replies.

"Yeah. Let Tanaka have his "senpai" moment." you add.

"Everyone on this side of the net is your ally!" he shouts. "We'll cover for you, mess up or get in the way!" Hinata looks at Tanaka with admiration.

"Hey, Tanaka!" you yell to get his attention. He quickly turns around and starts to speak but you beat him to it. "What about us? Are we not allies?" you ask with fake sadness. He begins freaking out so much that he can't make actual words. Unable to hold it in anymore, you start laughing. Tanaka stops freaking out and everyone looks at you, including the other team.

"I'm sorry Tanaka, I just had to make sure Hinata knew that we're here for him too. Not just that players either. Takeda-sensei, Kiyoko, and I are here to help and encourage you, and everyone on the team." you say with a smile. 'We are lucky to have her.' Karasuno thinks. 'Damn you Karasuno!' Aoba Johsai thinks while glaring.

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