-Timeskip. Monday, After School-

You're waiting outside the club room at the bottom of the stairs. You're playing on your phone when you hear footsteps approaching. You look up to see Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"Awe, is the Queen waiting for the King?~" Tsukishima teases.

"Pick a nickname and stick to it," you say annoyed.

"I have no idea what you mean Pipsqueak.~"

"If I were you, I'd get changed," you say as you begin to walk away, but stop. "You wouldn't want to be late, right Bean Pole?~" you tease with a smirk and resume walking. Soon you see Hinata walking toward you looking worried. He suddenly looks determined.

"Hinata! You're wearing my pants!" Tanaka suddenly yells which causes you to look up at him. You quickly look away when you see him in his boxers.

"Tanaka! I did not want to see that!" you scream at him.

"Put some clothes on you freak!!" a tennis club member yells.

-Tuesday, After Class-

"Good Afternoon Sensei!" Everyone greeted Takeda. You walk to Hinata to see if he's doing better than yesterday.

"Hey, Hinata!" you cheerfully call out to him hoping he will respond the same way.

"Hey (Y/N)..." he says as he turns to face you. He's pale and looks like he didn't sleep.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just feel a little sick."

"Is it your stomach?"


"It's just nerves. I was the same way when I played in my first game." Hinata looks at you as if he doesn't believe you. "I was a nervous wreck. I felt like throwing up. I didn't want to disappoint my team or coach, but once I got on the court and remembered that I love volleyball, the nerves were replaced with excitement and anticipation." You smile as you reminisce. Quickly clearing your head, you look at Hinata to see him looking at you with stars in his eyes. "Uh...Hinata...?"

"I feel a bit better thanks to you!"

"Oh, well, I'm glad I could help."

"I'm going to get on the bus," he says as he begins to walk.

"Okay...Oh! Hinata! Don't sit in the back! It will make...it...worse..." you try to warn him but realize he isn't listening. You roll your eyes and get on the bus. As you look for a seat you see everyone is paired up except Kiyoko. She sees you looking for a seat so she gives you a small smile. You go to her where she is sitting and ask if you can join her. She says yes so you sit down.

"Thank you for letting me sit with you," you say to Kiyoko.

"You don't have to thank me. You're always welcome to sit with me," she responds with a smile.

As the bus continues to head to Aoba Johsai you become sleepy. You eventually fall asleep and your head slowly falls onto Kiyoko's shoulder. This surprises her but she soon looks at you with admiration. Her gaze leaves you and she looks ahead of her. She notices a few people staring at the girl next to her. Specifically a certain captain, a vice-captain, and a black-haired setter. When they see they've been caught, they quickly look away with blushes. A scream suddenly awakens you.

"What's going on?!" you scream while jumping to your feet and looking around frantically.

"STOP THE BUS!!" Tanaka yells, causing you to look at him. Suddenly your ears are covered and a chest is blocking your view of Tanaka. You look up to see Suga talking to, who you guess is Tanaka. He feels your head move so he looks at you. Seeing the confusion on your face he mouths 'Hold on' and gives you his signature smile. When he removes his hands he blushes and apologizes.

"Sorry. Hinata threw up and I remembered you don't do well with it."

"It's okay. Thank you for thinking of me," you say while blushing.

"You're welcome," he says as you arrive at your destination. You get off the bus to see Hinata profusely apologizing to Tanaka.

"Hey, Hinata, are you okay?" you ask when he's done apologizing. "What happened?"

"I wasn't feeling good so I tried to get to the window but I didn't make it. I threw up on Tanaka," he explains before turning to the second year and apologizing again.

"Don't worry about me, how are you feeling?"

"Now that I'm off the bus, I'm better."

"Great! We'll be counting on you!"

"Tanaka!" you and Suga say together.

"Don't pressure him!" Suga continues while Hinata starts freaking out again. 'Great, here we go again' you think while feeling bad for Hinata. The ginger runs to the bathroom while Suga holds Kageyama back from beating him up. You smile to yourself feeling lucky to have such great teammates.

-To Be Continued-

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