how they introduced you to the boys

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The boys came over to Texas, and you were already there since you live 30 minutes away

"Yo narrator who's this?" Eddie asked kevin panning the camera over to you leaning against the counter in the kitchen

"Oh him? That's my boyfriend y/n"

"Your boyfriend?" Eddie asked

You waved

"Sweet dude he's hot" juicy said


During a recording session Josh said

"Boys, you remember that hot waiter?"

"Yeah?" They said individually

"Well we're now dating"

"Awesome!" Narrator said clapping

The boys joined narrator in clapping

"Well now another one of our boys are hitched!" Eddie said enthusiastically

Gabby clapping as she walked into the room to give Eddie some food

"Josh got a boyfriend" Eddie said to her

"Good job Josh"

"I helped" juicy piped in


They met you on the clown motel trip, and juicy just texted them that you were dating


Eddie gushed about getting your number to the boys at the hotel he was staying at and called the boys after your date

"BOYS I WENT ON A DATE WITH Y/N L/N" Eddie yelled into the phone

"Oh sweet!" Juicy said

"Good job" mully clapped

"I never doubted you" Josh said

"Liar" Eddie said calling Josh out

Narrator clapped just clapped gently as he was eating


Mully was entirely afraid of the boys finding out, and one day you were at his house and had made food.

Still a little hurt that he was afraid to be seen with you, you had made his favorite food and knocked on his recording door.

"Uh I'm recording" mully said

The boys were confused

"Mully who are you talking to?" Eddie asked

"Uh- no one-" mully said

"Mully you're terrible at lying" narrator said

You came in anyways and set down the food and left

"I don't want it to get cold" you added just before you left

"Is that your boyfriend?" Juicy said with a smirk

"Uh- y-yes actually" mully said looking at the food

He felt bad about how he just treated you, especially after you made his favorite food.

"Oh sweet really?" Juicy asked

"Y-yeah he just came in to give me some food-" mully said looking up at the boys a little afraid

"YAY MULLY!" Eddie clapped

"Does that mean I'm the only single one now-" narrator added but was cut off by Josh

"Yes narrator you are, get a boyfriend like mully" Josh said

Mully smiled at his friends acceptance

(419 words yours, Barnes)

the boys x male reader scenariosKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat