first kiss

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Narrator had invited you over for lunch, and you decided to help cook.

you decided to make a small cake for desert

"Hey grant?" You asked

"Yeah?" He responded turning his head from the pot of noodles he was hovering over

"Does this batter taste good?"

Just before narrator could respond you connected your lips with his and spit cake batter into his mouth, he was surprised and gently pulled away, swallowing the batter.

"Delicious" he responded with a smile pulling you in for another kiss

Then the fire alarm went off as the water in the noodles started to over boil.


You and Josh were sitting on the couch watching a movie, your arm was around his shoulders pulling him closer to you.

Josh looked at you as you smiled pulling him closer kissing his nose, he looked a little surprised but moved in closer obviously wanting you to do it again.

You smiled and turned your head down slightly, gently kissing his lips.

He smiled against the kiss and immediately kissed back.


Juicy was filming when you got home late, there was no answer, you called out his name but he didn't hear you.

You were confused and stepped in, the house was silent so you went up to his room and he wasn't there.

You realized he was in his recording room so you quietly came into the room, shutting the door behind you.

You creept over to him, gently grabbing his face and kissing him.

He jumped back pulling away from you, almost falling out of his chair


You just laughed and fell on your ass, as juicy got his barrings he gently grabbed your jaw and kissed you back before resuming his game.


Eddie took you on a date to one of his favorite restaurants, the food was amazing. You both dressed up nicely as it was a somewhat fancy place.

As you were both waiting for your food you reached over the table and gently gripped Eddie jaw, he was rightfully confused.

As he was about to speak you gently kissed him, Eddie melted into the kiss.

Just then the waiter came back with your food and stood their awkwardly, you broke the kiss and took your food.


You were secretly hanging out with Mully after hours at your work cafe, Mully was just lost in thought most of the time.

Concerned he wasn't too into you anymore, mully noticed the drop in your face, he felt bad he wasn't as talkative.

He sighed deeply before gently pulling you into a kiss, you were surprised but kissed him back.

The shop was empty, as you gently tugged on mullys hair, he smiled gently before pulling away, a bright blush across his face.

"You..are an amazing kisser" he said softly staring at your face

"Thank you" you said kissing his forehead.

(I had this idea but not enough of an idea so forgive me. Yours, barnes 513 words)

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