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You took narrator to the movies to see the "new" demon slayer movie, narrator was excited and snapped a picture of you two together before the movie.

During the epic movie narrator was on the edge of his seat literally leaning forward, his hands gripping the theater seat, you chuckled at him and rubbed his forearm.

He looked at you and smiled, pointing at the screen excitedly, at the end of the movie his face was full of joy and some sadness that it ended.

You drove him home and talked about the movie, he was gushing about how cool it was, you smiled at his joy.

You got to his house and he stepped out and thanked you for the joyus time, even after you left he never stopped talking to you about how much fun he had and how cool it was.


Josh took you to do the plutonium 9 challenge in Australia with him, that was also a video.

Josh sweat nervously as the lovely dude set the bowls down in front of both of you

"How bad is it?" You asked

"The food is fantastic but it's hot as fuck" he said

You smiled challenging-ly

The time started and you were going to absolute town on the spicey noodles and meatballs, as the timer stopped you threw your hands up in a victory.

You looked over at Josh who had barley even touched his food, who was also suffering immensely.

"Are you okay?" You asked midly concerned

"No" he said reaching for his bucket

The shop owner clapped and handed you the shirt

After Josh had finished dying you smiled sympathetically and rubbed his back, he smiled at you weakly.

"How are you alive?" He hissed

"I have been eating spicy food my entire life, I have had my fair share of 'I'm probably gonna die' moments"

Josh looked defeated as the owner snapped a picture to pin to the wall.

On the way to Josh's house, you kept having to stop for him to puke.


You took juicy to the reptilian park, he was having the absolute time of his goddamn existence, pointing at snakes and lizards.

That's when he noticed people being able to touch alligators, and by touch hold their mouths closed.

He looked at you, absolutely stoked
You smiled and nodded and waited in line for a while, you didn't want to do it you just watched.

The instructor gave juicy pointers the look on juicys face was just priceless you had to snap a picture, and you did. You've never regretted taking that photo.

After juicy had his fun you both headed home.

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Eddie had taken you ghost hunting, just you and him.

It would have been all fine and dandy if it wasn't the St Ignatius hospital, as you both stepped in it was immediately cold.

"I don't like this-" you said

"I don't either-" he said

You both stood in the doorframe for a good few seconds before continuing your journey through the hospital.

By the third level everything was completely fucked, it felt like someone was squeezing your arm but Eddie was far ahead of you.

"UM-" you shouted pulling your arm as hard as you could

Eddie noticed this and pointed the camera at the spot you were standing and saw a figure.

You both noped the fuck out of there, not before fucking in the parking lot of course.


Mully still wanted to keep this on the down-low he was afraid of the boys judging him.

You understood the feeling and decided to take him to a really reserved fancy restaurant.

You dressed up heavily for this, mully was taken aback and blushed a bit before walking with you to your seats.

Dinner was absolutely fantastic and conversation wasn't dry at all, you gently rubbed mullys hand when he was nervous, which in all honesty made him a little more nervous.

After the restaurant you drove him home, he thanked you at the doorway and you bowed sarcastically, he chuckled and blushed while closing the door.

You saluted the door and drove home.

Mully stood back against the wall and smiled, god was he in love.

(711 words yours, barnes)

the boys x male reader scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now