"Sarah! Sarah!" The voice of Derek Hale screams as he rushes into the room, looking at his uncle and Melissa surrounding the love of his life. "I missed it." He realises, looking at the joyful smile on his girlfriend's face. "I am so-"

"Der, I'm going to be totally honest with you. The reason why I'm not tearing you apart right now is because I have just given birth to one of the softest things in the world. Now get over here and cuddle our son." Sarah says, a soft tone in her voice with the underlining threat. Peter lets out a chuckle at how fast Derek moves over to Sarah.

"That's..." He trails off, unable to fathom a response. "That's our son." He mutters, a tear slipping out of his eyes as Sarah manoeuvres the child into his arms. "Elijah?" Derek looks over at Sarah who slowly nods her head. The rest of the pack entered the hospital room, all holding different types of gifts or balloons.

"Guys, this is Elijah Noah Hale," Sarah says with a smile as she looks at her brother and dad. But the name confuses Derek.

"Hale?" He asks.

"Hale." Sarah agrees, sending him a small smile.

"Who would've thought Derek Hale would make something that cute," Stiles says to his sister, sending her a smirk but only receiving a glare in response.

"Stiles," Stilinski speaks.

"Yeah?" Stiles responds, looking over to his father.

"Shut up." Stiles gives a small nod as he steps towards Derek to get a better look at his nephew.

"Does this mean I'm the next to be evil-" Stiles begins to ramble but cuts himself off by a large number of glares he received but Sarah did let a small smile grace her face as she looked from Peter to Stiles. Moments like these were ones that she had to appreciate. All of the pack together in one room. Even with all of the issues that have been happening over the past few months with the aftermath of the whole Gerard thing.

"One of the only good things to come from everything that's happened to us over the past few years," Scott remarks, smiling at the woman he deems as a sister.

"We deserve a win." Sarah smiles at them, sharing a loving look with Derek as they look at what they created. Unfortunately, their moment was interrupted by a nurse.

"We just need to run some tests on the baby, you guys can wait outside whilst momma gets some rest." The nurse explains, taking the baby out of Derek's arms as the pack begins to disperse knowing that Derek and Sarah had a lot to talk about. The door shuts behind them and the smile drops from Sarah's face as she looks at her boyfriend. Though it is not a look of anger, disappointment.

"I swear I can explain-" He starts to say in a rush, going to her side as he takes her hand in his. She stares at him, not faltering in her look as tears rush to her eyes. She turns away, taking her hand out of his to wipe them from her eyes before they could fall.

"I just.." Sarah begins to take a deep breath to prevent a sob. "I thought this was going to be something we would do together. I thought something was wrong when you wouldn't pick up the phone."

Derek interrupts her before she could spiral any further, "nothing was wrong, I had an appointment out of town and I had to go. I forgot to charge my phone last night and it died on my way down" She slowly nods her head in understanding but nothing could hide the unsatisfactory look on her face.

"What was the appointment?"

Derek's face falls as this question was asked. He panicked slightly as he didn't have a good enough excuse, but he thought the truth wouldn't be the right way to take this conversation. "Can you trust me enough so I don't have to make up an excuse?"

Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)Where stories live. Discover now