Let's go | Part 1 |

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Word count : 587 

Sky's Pov :

"Hey your okey" I hear a voice say, I look around to see who it was, it was Stella who was standing by the door to the bathrooms.

 "oh yeah i'm fine" I lied to one of me best friends.

 "You promise?" she said whit a worried voice "yes i'm fine, just tired why? " I asked so it didn't seemed that i was hurt.

 "Just asking" she says leaving the bathroom.

 I told me self I will be fine and walked out to everyone else just about to eat breakfast.

 "How's hungry?" Joe shouts from the kitchen.

 Everyone jumped up from where they where sat, meanwhile I sat down on the couch and start reading a magazine. 

"You want anything Sky?" Hermann asked coming back from the kitchen whit som pancakes on his plate.

 "Nah i'm not that hungry" I told him but then a plate whit pancakes and syrup reached me face, I looked who it was giving me the plate and it was Casey. "Here" he says whit a smile on his face and reached me the plate. 

"Thanks i guess" 

You all was nearly finished when a call came in.

'Truck 81, squad 3, engine 51, ambulance 61, 2 storied house in flames, one kid still inside'

I left my half eaten plate and ruched out to put everything on and jumped in to 81. 

"How many where they in..." Joe started to ask but I cut him off whit the answer "one kid, do we have any age of the child?".

"Around 5 and 7" Casey yelled from his seat. 

When we arrived there where one loose dog running around. 

"Otis, Hermann, Sky takes the second floor and Kidd, Mouch we check the first floor!" Casey yells so everyone new what to do meanwhile Squad waited outside if backup is needed.  

"On it!" everyone shouted back as we all masked up. 

"Okey lets go!" Casey yelled. 

We all ran in and started churching for the kid. 

"Chicago fire department call out!" Hermann screams right into me ear but i just played it off, I was just about to open the next door when i hear a scream coming from the corner in the room we was in now so i ruched over and saw the kid.

Otis picked up the kid and got him out of here meanwhile I could not find Hermann anywhere so i look around but no one where there.

Just then i heard a noise no firefighter wants to hear that was coming from the door i was meant to open earlier, i saw flames start building under the door and I new i didn't have any way down, rather I had to jump from the second floor or i had to stay where I was. 

Whit that time i was asking my self what's the better choice and then everything just went black for a minute. 

I tried open me eyes and I was sure that this is the end. I try to take my last energy to crawl to the window that was nearest me. I succeed to smashing the window whit my bare hands and then i just collapse falling out of the window whit all my energy gone. 

To be continued....


Okey I looked through this chapter and saw so many wrong things. I corrected and changed a bit, I hope it's better know <3 

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