"N-No it's okay, you don't need to apologize." the gray-haired male said frantically, slightly waving his hands.

You looked up at them sheepishly. The sound of the whistle brought all of your guy's attention back to the game. You watched as Yukigaoka's number five fell backward after receiving the opposing team's serve. You cringed and hissed as it looked like it hurt. Seeing the set sent to number one you got excited only to be left with your jaw on the floor when he jumped.

"Woah..." you whispered as you looked at him with stars in your eyes, making the three beside you look at you with smiles.

His spike was blocked but you still found it amazing. You continued to watch the game until one of the males spoke up.

"If Yukigaoka had a proper setter then number one could be way more efficient." the other two agreed by humming yeah in response.

"Actually.. even if he had a proper setter he wouldn't be able to do much in his current state." The males looked at you curiously not saying a word as a sign to continue. Never taking your eyes off the court you continued, "By the looks of it, he's the only one on his team that is completely serious about volleyball. The others play different sports or haven't been involved in volleyball long. He would need training from someone that will be honest with him about his skills because, by the way, that he is playing right now, he loves volleyball with all his heart and will do anything to get better and keep playing.'' The three next to you just looked at you with surprise because you gathered all the information from watching him play. Glancing at the gawking teens you immediately blushed.

"U-Uh... sorry about that, it happens sometimes."

"It's okay," they all said in unison and then turned back to the game trying to rack their brains around how you did that. Watching as the score kept getting wider and wider you couldn't help but feel bad for the orange-haired boy. Suddenly, after he hit the ball that their 'setter' set, he flew into a bench with a crash. You stood up and rushed to the railing to see if he was badly hurt. Thankfully when you saw him get up you relaxed until the referee blew the whistle indicating that the spike was out and that Kitagawa Daiichi won. You looked at the boy's sad expression and decided to leave before it got worse. 'I can't see that expression again' you thought as you quietly left with your eyes on the floor.

-Flashback End-

Your eyes widened in realization. Quickly, you turn your attention to Hinata and Kageyama instead of the approaching upperclassmen.

"No way!" you yelled catching the attention of the two males in front of you as well as the three that had just entered the gym. "There's no way that you two are the ones I'm thinking of! You..." you said pointing to Hinata, "You're Yukigaoka's number one, the one with amazing jumps!"

"Y-Yea that's me..." Hinata said shyly while blushing.

"And you..." you said while motioning to Kageyama, "You're Kitagawa Diiachi's number two!" Kageyama was speechless. 'How could a cute girl like her know who I am?' he thought but was interrupted when you walked up to him with a serious face. The change from happy admiration to seriousness scared all the boys. You stopped in front of him and looked him in the eyes not noticing the blush on his face. You stood there for a second before lightly punching him in the stomach, to which he bent down. The other four boys froze as they watched, what they thought was a sweet girl, just punch a guy who is seven inches taller than her, in the stomach. When he bent down to hold his stomach you grabbed his ear and made him look at you at eye level.

"Just because a spiker doesn't hit your set, DOES NOT give you the right to yell at them! You can't yell at your teammates because they don't do EVERYTHING you expect of them! If I EVER hear or see you pull that sh!t again I will NOT hesitate to kick your a$$! Do you understand?!"

"Y-Yes m-ma'am." Kageyama whimpers.


Letting go of his ear you look at the others and see a mixture of reactions. You see Hinata is scared, the buzz-cut male seems to have heart eyes, and the brunette and grey-haired boy are shocked. You stand there looking between them before you chuckle and sheepishly apologize.

"Sorry, I just don't like it when people treat others badly, especially in volleyball..." It was silent until the boy with the buzz cut got down on his knees and started praying.

"I THANK WHATEVER GOD THAT SENT THIS BADASS ANGEL TO US! PLEASE HAVE HER JOIN THE CLUB! I WILL FOREV-" he was cut off by the brunette karate chopping his head. You looked at him on the floor crying saying something about how lucky he is.

"Sorry about him. He does this whenever a cute girl is around him." the brunette said while rubbing the back of his neck embarrassingly.

"I-It's okay, but will he be okay?" you ask while looking at him worriedly.

"Oh yeah he'll be fine," he assured you. "I'm Sawamura Daichi a third year, this is Sugawara Koushi also a third year, and the one on the floor is Tanka Ryunoskue a second year."

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N) a first year. It's nice to meet you," you say bowing.

"It's nice to meet you too (L/N)-san," Sugawara says.

"Please just call me (Y/N)."

"Okay then you can call me Suga," he says smiling.


The upperclassmen then went to the two first-years to introduce themselves. You just stood to the side watching them. Hinata and Kageyama started yelling at each other which made you disappointed but not surprised. About to walk up to them you noticed the vice principal enter. That's when Hinata challenged Kageyama in a Serve/Recieve test to show he's gotten better since middle school.

The vice principal walked up to Daichi asking and saying things about how the first-years weren't listening. Suga and Tanaka tried to get them to stop but it wasn't doing anything.

"I wouldn't bother, they are both stubborn beyond belief," you say walking up to them. Both boys looked at you surprised because it seemed like you came out of nowhere. Hinata and Kageyama then started their 'challenge' with Kageyama serving and Hinata receiving. The first serve bounced off the orange-haired boy's arms before hitting him in the face before he fell to the ground.

"You haven't changed at all!" Kageyama scolded.

"ONE MORE!" Hinata yelled. While Kageyama got ready to serve he had an extremely frightening face. Being pissed off, he hit the ball with more force than the first one. Before you could register what happened the vice principal got hit in the face with the volleyball. His toupee went flying off his head. Everyone had different expressions, Tanka was amused, Suga was frightened, Hinata and Kageyama were surprised, Daichi looked like he was about to go dig his own grave, and you were standing there with your hands over your mouth and your eyes wide. We all watched the toupee fly like it was in slow motion as it landed on Daichi's head. Kageyama and Hinata started talking about how the vice principal's hair was fake, Suga was worried about Daichi, Tanaka was trying to scold the first-year boys but failing miserably because he was trying not to laugh, and you were shaking while trying not to laugh at the way Daichi looked and his reaction. Tanaka didn't help either. The vice principal told Daichi to follow him with a dark aura around him.

As soon as they left, you burst out laughing. Holding your stomach and dropping to the floor from laughing so hard caught the attention of the boys.

"D-Did you guys see the way Daichi looked in the toupee?!" you said while laughing. "His face was priceless!! I wish I got a picture!"

The boys looked at you as if you were the cutest thing in the world. Tanaka then joined in on the laughing with Hinata not far behind. Suga tried to stop us but ended up lightly laughing. Kageyama was so confused about what was so funny since he didn't see Daichi because he was too focused on arguing with Hinata. He did have the smallest of smiles while watching you laugh. All of a sudden the gym door slammed open making all of you stop laughing and turn to see Daichi.

"We won't be punished as long as we forget about the toupee," he said with a disappointed face from seeing us laughing. He then scolded the first years for not working as a team and kicked them out of the gym until they could learn to be teammates.

"WHAT?!" they screamed from outside.

-To Be Continued-

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