~Chapter One~

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*Beep Beep Beep* *Beep Beep Beep*

"Ugh," you say as you roll over and feel for your phone. You find it after what feels like forever due to the annoying sound of your alarm. You roll onto your back and rub your eyes to get the sleepiness out of them. A few minutes pass until you throw your blanket off and sit up. As you swing your legs over the edge of the bed you barely touch the ground with your feet. It's not that you're short. You are average height. At a whopping 5'4" tall.

"I guess I better start getting ready," you tell yourself as you get off the bed and get your school uniform. Heading to the bathroom to shower and do your 'Daily Routine' if you can even call it that.

After you're ready you walk to the kitchen to see your mom cooking breakfast. As you walk to the table to wait for breakfast to be done you greet your mom.

"Morning Mom."

"Morning Sweetie. Are you excited about today?" she asked almost too happily.

"Not really. It's just another day of school. If anything I'm a bit nervous."

"Why is that?" she asks while setting your breakfast down in front of you and sitting beside you.

"Thank you," you say before answering her question. "You know how shy I get when I first meet someone, what if they don't like me?" you ask while picking at your food.

"They will love you! You have to believe in yourself." your mom reassured.

"Let's hope so," you mumble thinking your mom couldn't hear you, but she did. Your mom sighs before telling you to eat your breakfast so you can get to school on time. You finish your food and put your dishes in the sink.

"I'm heading to school!" you shout as you grab your bag and head toward the door.

"Okay, Sweetie! I love you! Hope you have a good day!" your mom answers.

"Love you too and thank you!" you say before heading outside and closing the door behind you. Grabbing your earbuds and putting on some music you begin your walk to school.

-Small Timeskip-

'I'm here...' you excitedly thought to yourself. As you started to walk through the gate you hear a shout.

"Watch out!"

You jump out of the way just in time as a boy with bright orange hair goes by on a bike.

"Sorry!" he apologizes without stopping. 'He must be really excited to be here.' you thought while chuckling. Walking into the school building you look around happily searching for the direction of your classroom. While walking down the hall you keep getting bumped into people. You finally see the sign for your classroom hanging on the wall, '1-4'.

Entering the classroom you see most of the seats are taken. The only ones left are behind a tall, skinny blond boy, and the one in front of him. 'Guess it's in front of him it is.' you think while walking to the desk. As you walk you feel stares directed at you. Ignoring them the best you can you hang your head slightly and sit down.

There's a bit of a wait before the teacher enters and introduces themselves. They then explain that they want us to stand up, and state our names and one fact about ourselves. 'Great, the one thing I hate, talking to a bunch of strangers.' you complained to yourself.

"Ms (L/N), you're first." your teacher said while looking around the room for you to stand up. You slightly tense up before standing and facing the class.

"M-My name is (L/N) (Y/N) and I like volleyball." as you said that you caught the attention of two boys in your class.

"Thank you, Ms. (L/N)." Your teacher says while you sit down while making sure to face the class so you can focus on their introductions.

"Mr. Yamaguchi, you're next."

"I-I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi and I also like volleyball," he says while glancing at you. You see him and give him a small bashful smile. Quickly turning away so you don't see his red face, he sits down.

"Thank you. Mr. Tsukishima?"

After his name is called the boy behind you starts to stand up. You could've sworn he was moving in slow motion because of how tall he is. Looking up at him with wide eyes you listen to his introduction.

"Tsukishima Kei and I like listening to music," he says dryly before noticing the look on your face. You guys lock eyes and you quickly look away realizing you've been caught. Sitting down Tsukishima thinks to himself, 'She's going to be fun to tease.' he smirks at your red ears. Not paying attention to the other introductions, you focused on trying to calm yourself down. Before you knew it you were dismissed. You quickly got up grabbed your things and rushed out of the room to avoid the blonde boy that sits behind you.


A beautiful girl with silky black hair and glasses walks up to three boys with papers in her hands.

"Here," she hands the papers to the brunette. "These are the applications we've received this year."

"Only these? There used to be more in the past." the brunette says with a worried expression on his face.

"It's ok Daichi, we'll get more later on," a grey-haired boy says.

"Hi, Kiyoko-san! You look beautiful as always!" a boy with a buzz cut exclaims happily.


"I love it when she ignores me!!" the buzz-cut boy says happier than before.

"Is this who I think it is!!" Daichi exclaims while looking through the papers.

"And this one? What are they doing here??" he questions.

-Back to You-

As you're walking to the gym you hear the sound of a volleyball being served inside. You peek into the gym and see a tall boy with black hair getting ready to serve. 'I bet he'll do a jump serve' you think to yourself. Just as you predicted he did a jump serve. Stunned by the great technique you didn't notice that the boy saw you and is now staring at you. Finally snapping out of your daze you look to see the boy staring at you.

"U-Um hi," you began as you go into the gym with a shy smile on your face. You didn't get a response from the boy so you decided to continue, but unknown to you the boy was screaming in his head, 'Oh. My. God. Is that who I think it is? She's prettier in person!'

"You have a good jump serve..." you say avoiding eye contact.

"O-Oh! T-Thank Y-You!" the boy said while stuttering. You giggle at how cute he was stuttering. Said boy froze hearing you, 'So cute...' he thought before he got interrupted by a boy with bright orange hair who ran into the gym only for him to stop abruptly and stare at the other boy.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" the orange-haired boy yelled while pointing at the black-haired boy.

~To Be Continued~

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