make sense

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make it make sense
you were crying so much about me
thrashing 'round
telling me you'd die without me

then why do you do the one thing
you knew would never make me
come back, come back
like i always did
fall to your arms like i'm stupid

you two-timing bitch
i hope you never find a love
pure like mine again
true like mine again
the kind of love that
would ignore all the red flags
the one that will stay
no matter what

make it make sense
how you can look me in the eye
and cry about how happy you are
with me as you listen to me sing
my heart out for you
i loved you and still do

like a fuckin idiot
i cry in bed the moment i wake up
and all throughout the day
until i sleep
i never stop

all i do is cry now
all i do is hurt now
all i do is try to numb the pain now

why do i feel this way?
when i know
you're just fine
with all the girls in your arms
you were never truly mine
so please make it make sense
tell me why you waste my time

those were seven months of my life
i'll never get back

what did i ever do
to hurt you so?
i always cared
granted i wasn't perfect
but i did everything
in your interest
even staying with you
when i was unhappy
when i wanted to move on
with somebody else

i don't know why
you'd hurt the person
who truly loves you
enough to sacrifice their happiness for you
enough to leave their entire life for you

make it make sense
i can't make it make sense
inside my own head
all i do is blame myself

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