social media

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they say i got the perfect smile
for social media
they say they don't understand why
i'd ever need ya

all the talent and the smart
all the pretty and witty remarks
i may be wise and men might want me
but none of it matters if you don't look at me

what can i do?
when i walk outside and i see a girl
and i compare myself as if i know
anything about her?

what can i do?
i think that everyone's better than me
actually, i think i'm not worth anything at all
they're perfect while i'm just a failure

if i were enough, you wouldn't have lied about her
if i were enough, you wouldn't have thought about her
if i were enough, you wouldn't have looked at other girls

they say, social media ruins relationships
but honestly i don't think it's the internet's fault
'cause i haven't looked at a man since i loved you for sure
no one even looks pretty to me but you

and besides, older people have cheated on their wives
back when we had no wi-fi
so how is it social media's fault?
it's always men who don't think that their women are enough

it's just men
it's just you
you can put a million hot girls
in the same room
of a man who's loyal
and he would never bat an eye
'cause he's bulletproof

but that's not you
and what can i do?
but hate myself
and work so hard to destroy myself
just so i can build it all up
to be a mixture of all the girls
you've ever liked before

i knew what it was like
to be the girl that their girlfriends are afraid of
i didn't think i'd be on the other side
now telling every girl to block you
trying to cover your eyes so you don't
think of them when we fuck

it's so sad that girls have to
fight each other all the time
for men who don't even acknowledge us
or see any one of us as special
we're all just spokes on a wheel
and no man cares how we feel

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