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i've never fully trusted
anyone in my life
aside from my grandma
until you showed up one day
and no matter what i did
you always stayed

made me feel accepted
i always found it hard
to be myself

the way that i'm needy
i hate that about me

the fact that i'm broken
i hate that about me

the demons i live with
the pain that i carry

but you accepted it all
or so i thought
you fucking cared

but all you did was fuck
other girls behind my back

i planned my life around you
which i never did with anyone else
i wanted to marry you
have children with you
fuckin die with you

but none of that will ever happen now
i'm so sick and tired now
i don't want to love anymore
i'm so fucking scared now

i thought i found my soulmate
i just found the man who'd break me
to my very core
until i can love no more

sick of the games
sick of going insane
my reality is fucked
and you're to blame
all these feelings i have
and i wanna come back
it feel ashamed
that i still love you

though im sick and im numb
i still care about you
though the you that i love
does not and never existed
i'm just too weak, too stupid
to fuckin accept it

i'm so sick
and tired
of all the pain
inside of me

i'm so sick
and tired
of not being enough
for anybody

i'm so sick
and tired
of being left
no matter what i do

i'm so sick
and tired
of being alive
without you

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