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everyone wants a taste of this
until they get sick of it
sick of it

sick of the way i latch onto them
'cause i get so clingy and needy
i fall in love too easily
but they all just like me for my body

it's not the way i hink
it's always how i make them feel
with my hands and my mouth
they love what's underneath my skirt

but they never really care whether i'm hurt
when i'm hurt
i'm all alone
left alone to cry in the public bathrooms at work

and when i come home
i turn on the faucet and let the water run in the sink
as it overflows, overflows

like this sick melody inside my head
playing and playing all over again
telling me nobody will ever love me

so i cry in the shower
i break down and scratch my skin with nails
but not strong enough to bleed
'cause i'm scared like a coward
to hurt my own self like that

though i hurt me with words
as i drown in liquor
tell myself I'm not worth anything
because my entire life
that's what everyone's told me

i wouldn't believe mere words
but the way you men treat me
show that i'm nothing but just a body
it's sickening to spend time with me
and no one will miss me when i'm fucking dead

so don't tell me it's all in my fucking head

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