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you looked me in the eyes
and told me you love her too
there is no excuse
that could ever, ever
make me come back to you

when your friend showed me
the text you sent him
you giving up on us
you finding love somewhere else
in just one night

right. in. front. of. me.

with. the. girl. we. hung. out. with. together.

made me realize
everything was all a lie
this whole fucking time

it isn't love if you could so easily
give it to someone else other than me
my real soulmate would never, ever
do that to me

you didn't see the way my hands
and my entire body shook
making me drop my phone on the ground
soon as i read that text

you didn't hear me cry on the phone
walking back and forth in the room
trying my hardest to catch my breath

because how?

how can the person
who claims to love me
more than i love him
just drop me like that
in a heartbeat?

when i never even said goodbye
i never left but it was all
apparently my fault

you made me look like the bad guy
when all i ever did
was give you everything i could
everything i had

asking you every single day
if you're okay

making sure you're passing your classes
making sure you're taking care of yourself
making sure you're happy

all i ever tried to be
and all i ever was
was a good girlfriend

how could that
how could i not have been enough?

how was it my fault
that i would get mad
when you broke promises
you made?

how was it my fault
that i would get mad
when you would swear to me
you'd improve and get your shit together
then do the exact same mistakes
over and over and over again
every few days?

i don't know you anymore
and maybe, maybe i never actually did
seeing the person you love
and trusted the most in the entire world
do and say things you never thought
they ever would
makes you question your own fucking sanity

was it all in my head?

was i too blinded by my rose-colored glasses
all the red flags just seemed normal to me?

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