mother's child

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i am my mother's child
paralleled daddy issues
hunting men who don't care about me
begging to be loved by them
telling them how they should treat me

i am my mother's child
i cry when i'm alone
and i'm so desperate for company
i don't want to hear my thoughts
so i drown myself in liquor and cocks
so fuck me 'til i'm bleeding
'cause i can't

why i can't be loved

i am my mother's child
i ruin what i touch
i'm vengeful and i hate it
but i can't seem to stop

i am my mother's child
i blame the world around me
but refuse to change
so stubborn, so childish
it's insane

i am my mother's child

i want a different life
where love exists
and i'm accepted
for being needy
and clingy

i want a world where i am free
where no one would speak ill of me
and laugh at me when i tell them
i want love

i want love that doesn't leave me
doesn't judge me
doesn't take advantage of me
for being so fucking lonely

i am my mother's child

iwasjustakidDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora