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Maisie POV

I couldn't help the tears that fell, leaving Sebastian behind was breaking my heart. As I got to my group just outside my gate, I saw my boss. He walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
I shake my head "Maisie, do you really want this?"
I look up at him confused "sir, I'm here"
"Maisie your amazing at your job, the way you are always able to capture the most amazing shots. I've always been so proud of you. But tell me truthfully. If you close your eyes, do you see a life of travelling and photography or do you see a life with that man, kids, marriage and a dog running around? I missed out on my chance with the woman I love, I gave it away to pursue my career and I've regretted it everyday. As much as I love my job, being without her never made it worth it. Africa is a year long, but what's next? What if something keeps you away for 2,3,4 years. Can you really live like that?"

"I've always had one dream. Photographing things that matter. But now....."
"The thing that matters is a real person. He is real"

Sebastian POV

I walk out of the airport, tears falling. Seeing the woman I love walk away was heart breaking. But I know I did the right thing and I meant what I promised. I will be stood there in a years time waiting for her. Because she is more then worth the wait. I go to my car and unlock it, as I open the door I hear someone shouting behind me.
"Sebastian Stan!!!"
I turn and I see Maisie running towards me, she crashes into me and kisses me deeply. I lift her, she wraps her legs around my waist and I lean her against the car door.

When we finally pull away for oxygen, she smiles down at me.
"Maisie, what are you doing?"
"I love you. I was wrong Seb, photography is my job. You are my dream"
"Maisie, I can't keep you from this. It wouldn't be right......."
She kisses me again shutting me up.
"When I look to the future I don't see me travelling for work, I see us. I see us making a future together. I've spent my whole life believing no one would ever love and then you came along and you made me see that I can be loved and I can love. This has happened so quickly Seb but being with you just seems like the most right thing in this world"

"Seb, I'm staying. I'm going to open my own company. I'm still going to take photos and I'm still going to travel but I'm hoping you would come with me"
"Me? Us? Really?"
She nods "I've never wanted anything more Seb"
I can't help but let out a small laugh "god! I love you so much"
"I love you too"
"Move in with me?"
"Come on Maisie let's go all in. Me and you"

She giggles "okay"
She nods and I can't help but spin her around in circles as she squeals. I see people watching us and then I see people taking photos and I just couldn't care less. She is staying here and she is moving in with me. I couldn't be any happier then I am right now. This woman has changed my life and I love her so very much

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