Christmas eve

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It's Christmas Eve and I'm heading out to a friends party. I'm not really in the mood to go but I promised. I haven't spoken to Maisie since and she won't answer my calls or texts. I really screwed that one up. I didn't mean to ignore her for the week, I just got so busy and my mind and body were being pulled every direction, sometimes this life I lead just gets to much and I need to just lock myself away.

She wouldn't let me explain and I don't blame her. I pretty much ghosted her. It sucks because she seems like such a great woman and I really wanted to get to know her. We had so much fun that night and now I can't stop thinking about her. It's insane, I barley know her but I can only think about her. Annie is having the next few days off thank god! So I get some peace. I'm going to see my mum tomorrow and spend Christmas with the family.

As I walk into the bar, I see so many people. Half of them I don't even know. I look up and see Don, he waves me over and I shake his hand wishing him and his wife a merry Christmas.
"I'm going to get a drink. Want one?"
Don nods and so I walk to the bar, it's not too busy so I managed to get the bar staffs attention pretty quickly.
"Can I get 2 beers and a red wine please?"
He nods and walks away to get the drinks. I feel someone knock into my arm and as I turn I can't believe who I'm looking at.

"I'm sorry....." she looks up at me and she frowns "Sebastian"
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here with some friends you?"
I nod "how are you?"
"I'm good. You?"
"Can't complain"
She nods and we stand there in silence for a little while. I can't help but look her up and down. She looks beautiful.

"You look amazing"
"Oh" she blushes "thank you. You look good too"
I smile "can I get you a drink?"
I see her contemplate it and I prepare myself for a No but she shocks me "okay. Beer please"
I nod and as the man comes over I ask for another beer. He hands them over and I pay.
She takes the beer from me and smiles "thank you Sebastian"
"Your welcome and please call me Seb. I always feel like I'm in trouble when people call me Sebastian"

"I can imagine you get in trouble a lot"
I quirk my eyebrow at her and smirk "sometimes" I wink and she laughs.
"Dons here if you want to come say hi"
She looks over her shoulder to her friends and I see a woman nodding her head and winking over at her, I can't help but smile. I recognise her as her assistant.
"Yeah okay"
"Okay. Follow me"
We push our way through the crowd and I feel her hand grab the pocket of my jeans. I turn and she smiles
"Sorry don't want to lose you"

"No problem" I take her hand and hold it in mine. We manage to get to Don who hugs Maisie hello and introduces his wife and a few of our other friends. I see Chase and I pull him into a hug.
"Chase this is Maisie"
"The Maisie?"
I nod and Maisie looks at me weirdly while shaking his hand.
"You've spoken about me?"
"He hasn't shut up about you"
Chase slaps my shoulder and walks away, I rub my neck nervously and smiles down at her.

I smile and nod "you made an impression"
She giggles and takes a sip of her beer, as I'm about to drink mine I see her place her beer down and turns to face me.
"Screw it" she says and she pulls my lips to hers. Kissing me deeply, I blindly place my beer on the table before moving my hands to her waist to pull her in closer. I hear her moan softly against my lips and I can't help but smile. She pulls away breathless. She looks up at me, there is a twinkle in her eye.
"Should we get out of here?"
"Yes please"

I say my goodbyes and we head out into the fresh air. I take her hand again and pull her to me, kissing her gently.
"Let's go back to mine. Grab some food on the way?"
She nods "please....I need a burger"
"A burger you shall have"
She laughs and we climb into the car and make our way to food and then my place. So far best Christmas Eve ever.

Christmas in New YorkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora