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Maisie POV

Waking up the next morning, I feel a heavy arm over my waist. I turn slightly and see Sebastian sleeping peacefully behind me. I smile, remembering last night. We made love for hours and he was so sweet and caring and loving. I've never in my life had sex like that, he was soft and attentive to my needs and wants. Making sure I was comfortable with everything he did.

I turn slowly to face him, hoping not to wake him, I study his face, his lips, his eyes. He is so perfect. I gently stroke his face, and I see him smile. His arm wraps around me tighter and he lets out a small moan.
"Morning handsome"
"Morning beautiful"
He opens his eyes and stares at me, he is smiling so much and so am I.
"How do you feel?"
"Amazing you?"
"Pretty perfect"

I can't help but giggle, I lean forward kissing his soft lips softly.
"I could get used to waking up like this"
"Mmmmmm me too"
He lays on his back and pulls me close. My head laying on his chest and tracing his abs.
"What are your plans today?"
"Nothing. No work so just a chill out day you?"
"I have one meeting with Annie at 10am and then I'm free. Do you want to have lunch?"
"Sounds good"

I lean up and kiss him again, the kiss starts softly but I feel him pull me to lay on top of him. He sits up and I'm straddling his lap again, the sheet falls to reveal my naked body. His hands on my waist pulling me closer and closer. I can already feel him growing against my leg, the heat between my thighs radiating. He reaches between us and gently allows me to slide down on to him. I feel a little sore after last night but the pain is soon replaced by pleasure.


After another 2 rounds, we finally get showered and dressed. I've asked Maisie to come with me to my meeting so she can sit with us and we can go over what to do about the public. Maisie has said she is more then happy to do whatever is needed so hopefully Annie has some idea of how to deal with this. As we pull up outside my house, I see Annie waiting for us.

"Sorry we are late. Traffic was a nightmare"
"Hmmm let's just get inside shall we"
As we walk in, we head straight for the living room. Annie wants to get straight into it.
"Well.....the shit storm that has been created over that photo is ridiculous"
"I'm so sorry.....mackie just...." she cuts Maisie off before she can finish.
"I don't really care. Sebastian this is hurting you more then anything, that she is cheating on you with one of your best friends. I mean it's ridiculous"
"Annie don't be rude. Mackie didn't mean anything by it, he was just having a bit of fun ok"
"No not okay" she looks at Maisie "you have no idea what it's like to be in this life. I've worked too hard with Sebastian all these years to have some girl he suddenly has an interest in break it all down"

"Woah Annie. Back off. She isn't just some girl"
"Oh come on Sebastian, you barley know her, how do you know she isn't just using your name to get ahead in her career."
"I'm going to go Seb" I wrap my arm around her waist.
"No your not Maisie. Annie I think you need to leave"
"Sebastian you can't be serious. She is going to ruin you"
"How Annie? She hasn't done anything wrong. If you can't respect the woman I love then maybe you shouldn't be around. Just leave I'll call
You when I've calmed down"
Annie grabs her bag and leaves, slamming the door behind her. I look over at Maisie and she is looking at me in complete shock.

"Are you okay?"
She walks up to me, her hand finding the back of my neck and pulling me in for a deeply passionate kiss. Once she pulls away and the oxygen returns to my brain, I finally ask her
"What was that for?"
"You said woman you love" she smiles brightly at me and I can't help but smile back.
"Caught that did ya?"
She nods "you don't have to say it back Maisie I know it's a lot and it's so soon. I just....."
She kisses me again softly, pulling way, placing her hands on the sides of my face. She smiles
"I love you too Sebastian"
"You do?"
She nods and I kiss her again. I'm so unbelievably happy right now, Annie is wrong. Maisie isn't using me and I'm not going to give her up because Annie doesn't like her. We will figure this out.

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