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Dinner went well, she seemed to enjoy it and now we are sat in my living room, going through her laptop. The photos look incredible, she certainly has a talent for the natural looks.
"Maisie these are incredible"
"Thank you. I just point and shoot your the one in them"
"But you just have this ability to make me look like me. Usually I end up looking very made up
And I hate it"
"I prefer natural always have"
"I can see why"

She smiles and nods "so your happy for me to send these over then?"
"Your agent not need approval too?"
"No why?"
"She just didn't seem to like me very much so wouldn't want to anger her"
I can't help but laugh "Annie is harmless she just gets a bit wrapped up in her work is all. A beautiful woman photographing me, she probably thought I'd get distracted"

I can see the blush on her cheeks after calling her beautiful. It makes me smirk to know I have that effect on her.
"Well as long as your sure"
"I am"
She nods and closes her laptop, finishing off her wine. She smiles over to me "well thank you for dinner and for approving the photos I'll get them
Sent as soon as possible"
She stands up and I looked confused "where are you going?"
"I thought that.....well we are done with the business right so.....I was going to leave"

I stand "well.....what if you stayed.....maybe we could watch a movie?"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. I don't want this date to end yet"
"Yeah.....I thought I made that clear with dinner?"
"Not really.....I didn't know if it was a date or not"
"I'm sorry. I would like it to be if you would?"
She nods and smiles "I would like that too"
"Great. So get comfy and I'll grab us some more wine and some dessert"

She sits down "do you maybe have a beer?"
"Yeah of course"
I grab the drinks and the bowls of ice cream from the kitchen and make my way back.
I pass Maisie the drink and the bowl and she smiles wildly at me.
"My favourite ice cream"
"Mine too"
She giggles "so we have that in common then"
"That and love for the beautiful tree at the rockafella centre"

"Yes that too"
"So what movie do you want to watch?"
"How about one of those superhero ones you were telling me about?"
"You sure?"
I put on the first captain America movie and we get comfy on the sofa. She is sat pretty much right next to me but I don't want to be presumptuous and place my arm over her shoulder. So I stay still, until I feel her head on my shoulder.

After the movie ends, I see her wipe away a tear.
"Are you crying?"
"Yes I am. Don't judge"
I can't help but laugh "did you like it?"
"I loved it"
"Yeah. I always thought they would just be a bunch of guys running around in tights fighting but that was a really nice story. And Bucky is kind of hot"
"Just kind of?"
"Well yeah I mean Steve is just......."

I can't help but laugh "yeah everyone loves buff steve"
"Oh no I mean skinny steve, there is something hot about a guy who a gentleman but doesn't have a clue about woman"
"Really? Skinny steve did it for ya"
She shrugs "what can I say I like to go for the under dog"
I smile and she laughs "thank you for watching that. I mean you could have said no"
"I know but I don't mind watching those movies they remind me of the fun I had on set"

"So how many more are there?"
"In the whole franchise or just the cap films?"
"Well there are 3 cap films and 4 avenger films and in total I think there is around 25 maybe more movies now"
"Wow! And they all intertwine?"
"Yeah. Kevin fiege is amazing at that"
"Maybe I should give them all a watch"

"I'd be happy to show you them all"
"That sounds good"
"Well how about another? It's not late. Unless you have to be anywhere early tomorrow?"
"No I don't have to be anywhere. I want to know what happens next"
"Okay then. Another beer?"
"Yes please"
This woman was already making me so happy, she was just such a relaxing person and I'm really enjoying her company.

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