New years Eve

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Maisie POV

Christmas Day was so much fun at Sebastian's mums she is so lovely and welcomed me with open arms. We had traditional food, games and to finish the night a movie and chocolates. It was truly the perfect day, I haven't had a Christmas like that in so long. Seb dropped me back off at my place that night, I kissed him goodbye and he promised to call me. Which made me laugh. But he pinky promised with me which I found adorable.

When I lay in bed that night I found myself feeling very emotional. I couldn't remember the last time I hadn't spent Christmas either working or crying. Growing up as a foster kid, you don't get the traditional family Christmas so it was so special to me to experience that.

Today is New Year's Eve, Seb kept to his promise and called me. We had met up a few times in between Christmas and new year and tonight he invited me and Rachel to a party. A friend of his was throwing an epic party apparently so he said I had to go. I'm all dressed ready to go, I just have to go and pick up Rachel and then head on over to the address Seb has given me.

We still hadn't sat and talked about why he never called, I still feel a little annoyed at the fact he ignored me for a week. So I don't really know how I'm feeling about him right now. As we pull up to the address, I see security at the door. We make our way over and give our names and the security let us in. I walk out into a room, filled with people. I get my phone and text Seb that we are here and we are at the bar.

Rachel and I order a drink, just as I about to take a sip I feel a hand on my waist. I turn and see Seb smiling at me. He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips.
"You look incredible"
"Thank you"
"Hey Rachel"
"Hey Seb, so who is throwing this party?"
Just before he can answer, i here a voice on the speakers.
"Ladies and gentlemen please give it up for the host of tonight's epic new year bash. Mr Robert Downey Junior"
The theme song for iron man comes on and I turn to look at Seb with wide eyes.

"The RDJ? Seriously"
"Yeah you a fan?"
"Please......he's my favourite Sherlock"
He laughs "come on then, I'll introduce you"
He takes my hand and walks me over, before we get to Robert, I hear a voice I recognise "Hey, Sexy sea bass"
I turn and I see the one and only Anthony mackie
He engulfs me in a hug and I hug him back.
Seb looks at us very confused.
"You two know each other?"

"Yeah. We met a few years ago, I did a photo shoot for him and we hung out afterwards"
"How do you know my Vanilla Ice here?"
I laugh "how many nicknames do you have?"
"Too many. Way too many"
"Maisie did a shoot for me too. We've been hanging out ever since"
"Nice. Well Evans is here somewhere and so Scarlett"
"God Mack. She's married"
"I know, but man she is still gorgeous"

I can't help but laugh along with them, Mack has always been the life and soul of the party. He kisses my cheek and walks off.
"Hang on?"
"Are all the.........what they called??" I start clicking my fingers "what are they? The band of superhero thingys?"
He laughs at me "you mean the Avengers?"
"Yeah. That's em. They all here?"
"Not sure all of em but some of em for sure. Oh look. There Evans talking to Rachel"

I look over and I see them together, he is sat pretty close and she seems to be finding everything he is saying so very funny.
"Go Rachel!"
"Men" I roll my eyes "there flirting"
"Oh!! Go Chris!!"
I can't help but laugh, he takes my hand and we continue on our journey to meet the one and only Robert Downey Junior.

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