Aɴᴅ ⵊ Fᴇᴇʟ Tʜᴇ Lɪɢʜᴛ Fᴏʀ Tʜᴇ Vᴇʀʏ Fɪʀsᴛ Tɪᴍᴇ

317 13 10

TW// cussing, talk of getting beat up

Wilbur's POV

Phil led me into the sitting room and sat down, so I did too. I sat on the edge on the sofa, not wanting to seem like I thought I owned the place or anything.

"So, it's Wilbur, right?" Phil asked. "Yes, sir." I replied. "Just call me Phil." I nodded. "So how old are you?" He asked. "Twenty-two." "Right, and how did someone six years older than my son...become friends with him? How did you meet?" Phil asked.

I exhaled, thinking of a lie.

"Well, I first saw him a few weeks ago. It was just a brief 'hello' as we passed. You know, to be polite since we accidentally made eye contact." I said. "I passed him just about every day, actually. I think he thought that I was following him or something, but, I wasn't. We just crossed paths a lot. About two week ago, when we passed again, he stopped me and commented on how we see each other a lot. Then we just started some small talk and I guess he just needed another friend, so, here I am."

I must say, I am very good at coming up with lies fast.

"I get that. He would be the type to stop and comment on it." Phil slightly laughed. "Yeah, it's fine, though. I really don't mind. It's nice to have someone to talk to, even if he's just a kid." I said, trying not to sound like a creep.

"I'm not a kid, you fuck." I heard Tommy say, walking into the room and sitting on the sofa about three feet from me. "I thought you were sleeping." Phil said. "Nope. By the way, everything he told you is true, I can confirm."

I guess it's good that he was awake to listen. Because if Phil had asked him the same question at some point, we'd have completely different stories.

"So- So what happened today?" Techno asked Tommy. Tommy paused for a moment. "I was just...coming home and I stopped at a shop to use the restroom. He was there and beat the shit outta me. Not much to it." He said.

"And Wilbur just happened to be there?" Techno asked. "Kinda. I saw him when I was on the way home so I told him you wanted to meet him. We was walking together and that's when I stopped. He stayed outside but like ten minutes passed and I hadn't came out because I was getting the shit beat out of me, so he came in to see if I was ok."

"Well, thank you, Wilbur." Phil said. I nodded.

This was fucking awkward.

"So...dadddd?" Tommy cooed. "Now that I don't have school anymoreeeee...can I go back out with you and Techhh?" He asked. Phil exhaled. "Fine. Yes, you can." He said. "Yes! Thank you!" Tommy pumped his fists into the air. "Can we go out tomorrow?" He asked. "Sure, why not." "Fuck yeah!"

Tommy's POV

After a bit more time, it began to get dark out.

"I should go back home now. Thank you for letting me stay a while." Wilbur said, standing. "Anytime, mate. Thanks for helping Tommy." Dad replied. Wilbur nodded.

"Can I visit you tomorrow? After we come back from the ocean?" I asked Wilbur, slightly emphasizing 'after' since I knew he was gonna be out there anyways. "If your dad says you can, yeah." He replied.

I looked over at dad, sticking out my bottom lip.

"Sure. As long as you don't come home at midnight again." He said.

After some time, Wilbur left.

"He's nice." Dad said. "See? I told you he's not a pedo." I said. "Hey, I'm your father and I have to protect you. I wanted to make sure." He replied. I nodded. "I know, I know."

"Now you go to bed. It's late." Dad said. I stood up and began walking away. "G'night!" I yelled. Dad and Techno both said goodnight in unison.

I went to my room, and went to sleep.

Words: 685

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