Bᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ⵊ Mᴀᴋᴇ Tʜᴇ Oꜰꜰᴇʀɪɴɢ, Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ Aʟʟ Tʜᴇ Fᴀᴄᴇs Tʜᴀᴛ ⵊ'ᴠᴇ Sᴇᴇɴ

370 18 1

TW// cussing, having people think you're crazy

Wilbur's POV
another few days let's

I loved messing with Tommy. Letting him see me for a second, throwing little pebbles at him, breaking his fishing lines, whatever I could do was just so fun.

"I'm telling you guys, something is in the water! What else would keep breaking my fishing lines?" The boy asked his dad and brother, as they were the only three out today. "I think you're just a shit fisher, Tommy." His brother replied. "Fuck you, Techno."

"Tommy, I think we made a mistake letting you leave school to be out here. You need to be around more kids your age." Tommy's dad said. "What? No, I'm not crazy, dad!" Tommy replied. "I didn't say you're crazy. Your imagination is just getting ahold of you."

Tommy exhaled, leaning his fishing rod against the edge of the ship.

"Fuck you both. I'm not a child, I know what I'm talking about." He said, walking away. He went into the room under the ships wheel or whatever the humans call it. His dad and brother looked at each other for a moment. His brother sighed.

"I'm surprised you don't beat his ass for talking to you like that. I would at least ground my kid if they said 'fuck you' to me." He lightly chuckled. "He's just having a rough time, I'm not gonna pester him for getting upset with me."

The two continued to talk and I swam under the room where Tommy was, tapping on the wood above me. I heard a thump coming from above me where he was.

"Fuck off, would ya? Your making my family think I'm crazy. Just leave me alone, whatever you are." He said.

I retracted my hand from the bottom of the ship and to my chest. I did feel a bit bad. I can't really imagine how he's feeling.

I swam away and decided to slack off on him for a few days. I'd be back, though.

Tommy's POV
a little before

I walked into a room away from my small family. They think I'm crazy. I'm not fucking crazy. I know there's something that's fucking with me. I went over and sat on the floor with my back against the wood wall.

I heard taps under me on the wood floor. I hit the floor with my fist and the taps stopped.

"Fuck off, would ya? Your making my family think I'm crazy. Just leave me alone, whatever you are." I said. It was then silent, aside from the sound of the waves, creaking wood, and pelicans outside.

I then felt like I was actually alone for once, like the thing had left. I exhaled, leaning my head against the wall, looking up.

I tuned in on the faint conversation being held between my dad and brother.

"Do you think we should get him back in school? So he can make friends and not out here since it's clearly doing something? I think all the salt in the air is getting to him." I heard my dad chuckle.

Wow, fuck you. Rude, much?

"I mean, he's a lot happier than how he was when he was in school. He never seemed very happy and he was really quiet, but now he's loud and full of energy. In a good way, of course. I think school was affecting him more than the salt, Phil." Techno replied.

He wasn't wrong. School was ass. Kids are mean, and you aren't exactly the most liked if your family are pirates. Most people see pirates as thieves and dirtbags that are gross, and yes, most of them are, but not all, and not us. So I left school so I could stop being made fun of for my family's hobbies. My friends, Tubbo and Ranboo, they aren't in school either, but they haven't been to school since they were both ten years old.

"That's true. He is a lot happier now. I mean, he never talked about how he felt, but it was obvious that he was getting picked on or something. I wouldn't want to send him back and make him be all sad again." Dad said. "Yeah, so, no more school." "Yeah."

"Also, Phil, a few minutes ago, when he was saying he thinks there's something in the water fucking with him, when I told him that I just think he's a shit fisher, we all know I was joking because he's actually great. But, you? I wouldn't say to his face that there's something wrong with him like how you said it. That's the last thing he needs is to think his own dad thinks he's crazy." Techno said.

Yes, thank you, Techno! I so agree!

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't have said it like that. Really, though, what do you think he could be seeing? A shark, maybe?" Dad asked. "He said it looked kind of human." Techno replied. "It's probably nothing."

It's not nothing.

They then walked farther away as they continued to talk, so I couldn't hear them anymore. I decided to let myself drift on into sleep.

Words: 860

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