Bᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ⵊ Mᴀᴋᴇ Tʜᴇ Oꜰꜰᴇʀɪɴɢ, Rᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ Aʟʟ Tʜᴇ Fᴀᴄᴇs Tʜᴀᴛ ⵊ'ᴠᴇ Sᴇᴇɴ

351 15 19

TW// cussing, bullying, cutting, assault, knife, blood, talk of parental death

Tommy's POV
another week later

Although whatever was in the water was annoying, I wanted to see it again. I wanted to feel it's eyes burning into me, making me anxious and not want to be looked at.

The day was about half over, and I had two classes left. Right now was my free period, so I walked into the restroom to spend it there, as I always do. I walked in with my head down, looking at my left arm as the black ink pen I was holding in my right drew the black outline of that hand I saw the day I nearly died.

I wouldn't consider myself a professional artist, but I am pretty good. Hands and eyes are my speciality.

"What's up, bones?" I heard the voice of that boy ask. His name is Daniel. Shit name, if you ask me.
(Except for any Daniel's reading this, you're pog!)

'Bones' is a shitty nickname that he calls me to make fun of how skinny I am.

"Fuck off, Daniel." I rolled my eyes, going to walk back out of the bathroom. I felt him grab my wrist and pull me back in. "What's this on your hand?" He asked. "Oh, how lovely! You're a little artist, who knew?"

I yanked my arm out of his hands.

"Don't touch me." I said calmly, trying to keep my composure. "I still don't think I've payed you back enough for fucking up my jaw." He said. "So...four blows to the gut and a slice down my forearm with a broken piece of glass...isn't considered pay back to you?" I asked.

He gave me a pissed look before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a pocket knife and flipping it open.

"No, it's not." He said. "H-Hey- Hey, mate, that's...not necessary." I nervously laughed, backing into the wall. He just smiled at me. "Shit." I said quietly.

I tried to quickly slip away and run off, but his blade snagged my side, cutting open the side of my stomach and tearing a hole in my shirt.

"Ah, shit!" I gasped, grabbing my side. My body froze from the sudden pain. I was shoved against the wall and the blade was held to my face.

"I don't appreciate you coming back. We need less of your kind around here." He said. "But- But I'm the only one?" I replied, keeping my eye on the blade. "Exactly."

The blade pressed into the side of my chin. I didn't know what to do so I pruned him hard in the stomach, making him double over, holding his stomach.

"Agh, you bitch!" He coughed. I ran out of the bathroom and down the hall, leaving through a back door. Unbeknownst to me, who wasn't paying attention, that was a fire escape door. I somehow didn't take note of its bright red color and "fire exit" sign in bold white letters above a drawn picture of a while silhouette running through it with fire behind them.

The alarm began blaring, startling me. I covered my ears and shut the door back, though it didn't stop. I ran out of and away from the school, down the stone road. Some people gave me weird looks but I didn't care.

As I ran my the dock, seeing our untouched ship, I also noticed a very small wooden boat in the water next to it. The boat was maybe twelve feet long and five feet wide and could only hold about five people, if that even.

I looked around, seeing nobody, so I went over and hoped into the boat, untying it from the dock, grabbing the rows, and setting off. I wasn't gonna go far. Just a few hundred feet out.

I went out to where our ship usually stops, and I sat there quietly for a few moments.

Wilbur's POV

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