Nᴏᴛ Aɴʏʙᴏᴅʏ Kɴᴏᴡs Tʜᴀᴛ ⵊ Aᴍ ~ L U C K Y ~ Tᴏ Bᴇ Aʟɪᴠᴇ

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TW// cussing, last chapter's events mentions, arguing

Tommy's POV

The next time I woke, the last thing I remembered was being in the water on that piece of driftwood. I panicked for a moment before realizing that I was back in my room at home.

Was it all just a dream?

I pushed that theory aside when I noticed how stopped up and sick I felt. Plus, my dad was sitting in a chair in the corner of my room like he was waiting for me to wake up.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked in a hoarse voice, rubbing my sleepy eyes. "Oh, thank gods, you're awake! How're you feeling?" Dad asked, getting up from the chair and coming over to sit in front of me on my bed. "Like shit." I replied.

"I can tell. To answer your question, you've been asleep for thirty-two hours." Dad said. "No wonder my head hurts so much." I said, holding the sides of my head. "Yeah...I'll go get you something to eat and tell Tech you're awake."

I nodded, and he left. It was quiet for a little while, before he came back with a bowl and Techno behind him.

"Hey, kiddo, you good?" Techno asked. I shook my head, and dad handed me a bowl full of alphabet soup. "He said his head hurts real bad and he sounds like he's got strep throat." Dad said. "I wouldn't expect anything different. That water is frigid."

Techno sat next to me on my bed, and dad sat in his spot in front of me. The soup was nice and it make my scratchy throat feel better.

"How's Tubbo and Ranboo? They didn't get hurt too, did they?" I asked. "Jesus, you do sound like shit." Techno laughed. I flipped him off, taking another bite of my soup. "They're fine. They might have a little cold from the rain but I'm not sure. They're definitely not as bad off as you, though, considering you were actually in the ocean." Dad said.

I nodded quietly.

"You know, Tommy," Techno exhaled. I looked over at him. "You are...very lucky to even be alive right now." He said. I but my lip, looking down at my bowl. "I have no idea how you're here. I mean, one, those waves were huge. Two, you can't swim in cold water like that. And three, there was no way we could have seen you because it was so dark. We only saw you because you somehow floated right next to the ship. I'm surprised you didn't get pulled under the ship, actually." He said.

I remembered the arms wrapping around me and that pale hand with the icy blue and yellow fingertips on my arm. It was whoever, or, whatever that was that had saved me. I couldn't say this, though, they'd think I'm crazy even more. Or, maybe they wouldn't and they'd actually believe me. I'm not risking it, though.

"Hey, hey, Tommy?" Fingers snapped in my face, pulling me from my thoughts. "Sorry- yeah?" I asked, looking to see Techno with a worried look. "You good?" He asked. "Yeah. Sorry, just uh- got lost in my mind. What is it?" I asked.

Techno pointed to dad, so I looked over, waiting to see what he wanted to say.

"Tommy, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out anymore." He said. I paused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, what I mean is; ever since you left school and started going out with us, to the sea, I mean, you've been acting different. Claiming you hear and see things and shit."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not crazy, I know what I am and am not seeing. I don't want to talk about this right now." I exhaled. "Why else do you not want me going out?" I asked.

"Well, you could get hurt again, for one." Dad said. "How? You think I'm gonna fall off the fucking ship again? That's like, a one in an million thing, dad. It won't happen again." I said, trying to defend my spot on the ocean.

"Another thing, you should really go to school and get an education, Tommy. You can't get a good job from being a dropout." Dad said. "Oh, bull-fucking-shit. You're a dropout! Look at you! You've got a good job! It's fun being out on the ocean! And you get paid lots for the fish and shit you catch, right?" I scoffed.

"Yes, I do, but I got lucky. Who's to say you will too?" He asked. "I'll just- I'll just work with you, dad! It's that simple! I can go out with you and everything I catch myself, I'll sell that for my own money." I said.

"No, Tommy. It's not that simple. You can't be a dropout, I'm gonna enroll you back into school."

"You fucking hypocrite! You can be a dropout but I can't? Plus, I've been in school since I was four! I've got plenty of education!"

"My parents couldn't afford to keep me in school, Tommy."

"So?! That's not fucking fair, dad. You know damn well how much school affected me. I didn't tell you but I know I sure as hell showed it! Especially when I actually started to act happier once I left! You're my dad, I know you could tell I was being bullied."

Silence. I wondered if I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Phil, I thought we agreed on no school after that talk we had a while back." Techno said.

What talk? They had a talk? About me?

Dad exhaled.

"You're going back to school. End of discussion." He said. He then stood up and left.

"Tommy-" I cut Techno off. "Just go. It's fine. He has the final say in what happens. I can't change his mind and you probably can't either." I said. Techno exhaled and then stood up to leave. "I'll check up on you later and see if you need anything." He said. I nodded, and he left.

I sat the half empty bowl on my nightstand and flopped back into my bed, exhaling. I was already dreading going back to school.

Words: 1,045

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