'I actually don't know where I come from. I don't know who my parents are or what my real name is,' you explained.

'Holy shit... I'm...,' Adam began. It was evident he wasn't sure what to say. It seemed like he wanted to say he was sorry but was unsure whether he should as he saw you smiling calmly at him.

'Did you get in an accident or something?' Adam whispered, his voice lowering unconsciously in shock.

You shrugged.

'Maybe,' you said simply. 'All usual skills were intact, and I could read, write, talk, walk, count and knew all the standard school educated knowledge. I just don't have any memories about myself before that time.'

'Wow,' Adam said silently, staring at you with big eyes. You waited, giving him time to ask the questions you knew he would have.

'Are you now- Don't you wanna- Like, have you looked for your parents or family? Like, did you go to the police?' Adam asked worriedly.

'Of course, we did,' you replied as Adam nodded along, completely taken aback by your story. 'But they couldn't find anything useful. So, I decided to let it go,' you said calmly but resolutely.

'What? Wai-What? How can you- Don't you- But- Why?' Adam stammered in disbelief. His mouth opened, probably to add more arguments, but you cut him off politely.

'I can spend the rest of my life trying to discover who I was before this, but I'd much rather live in the moment and be who I am now. The boys took me in and they've been taking good care of me. They are my family now, and I love them. I don't really need anything else,' you said with a shrug.

Adam thought a moment about your words, and you could see them sinking into his brain as he stared at you.

'But... A person's character is made out of memories and experiences. You can't, like...be; you can't have character if you don't have any memories. So, there must be something... anything,' he said intensely.

'Hmm,' you hummed. 'There are, but they're too vague to grasp now,' you said thoughtfully, not wanting to reveal too much. Adam's face instantly became eager, but you quickly shut him down. 'But all those vague things give me more of an understanding of who I am now than they paint an image of my history, if that makes sense.'

Adam frowned, thinking over your words.

'Anyway,' you spoke again, 'I'll figure it out sometime. In my own time and pace. Alone,' you added, hoping he would get the message.

'Right,' Adam said with a nod, understanding that you didn't want nor need his help to figure this out. 'One last question, though,' he added.

'Shoot,' you said, friendly.

'You seem so... chill with all of this. You know you don't have to pretend with me, right? You don't need to act though or anything,' Adam said carefully.

You chuckled, and you could see the surprise on his face.

'I know it might be unthinkable for you, but I am genuinely not bothered by it,' you said, but then corrected yourself. 'Well, maybe "bothered" isn't the right word, but I'm not sad or hurt or anything. I'm fine talking about it, and you don't have to evade the topic of "past" or "memories" or "family" or anything. It's fine. I'm fine.' You gave him a reassuring nod.

Adam didn't seem to think you were fine at all, however, you could see the questions burning in his eyes, but thankfully he didn't press on. Instead, he quickly changed the subject to the dreadful weather and how the current heavy rain would probably cause another leakage in his room again.

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