[Chapter 15]

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A plume of blue fire erupted out of his wand as I forced myself to block the spell. I scrambled around the debris with a speed enhancing charm as I heard people scrambling and screaming. "Aquabestia!" I yelled. Water shot out of my wand as it took on the shape of a dragon. Grindelwald tried to stop it but he was snapped up by the great beasts' jaw.

I commanded the dragon to transport the dark wizard out of my sight as I began to shake profusely. My hands shook violently as I inhaled. My vision didn't clear as I staggered up and balanced against the wall.

Hello? I reached out to the crest hopelessly.


NOW YOU TALK TO ME? I screamed back at it.

Calm down, you're damaging my ears, it replied nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes.

You don't have ears, I reminded it. The crest seemed to think for a moment.

Well, in that case, you're eroding my pristine silver corners.

I hate you with every fiber in my body.

Love you too!

My internal discord ended when I collided with Alex. "Ouch," he muttered rubbing his head. He then looked at me. "Dude." Both of his irises grew to a deep shade of blue as he shot a torrent of water out of his hand at me. The ice cold water knocked all the air out of me while also reviving me. My body even had the audacity to shiver.

"You look terrible," he said. I glared at him. "What I meant to say was that you look ill." My gaze intensified as Alex guided me towards the infirmary.

It was all to familiar. The plain white aesthetic, the occasional blur of blonde hair, and the faint scent of lavender. "What are you here for this time," Cora said in a joking manner. Her blue eyes scanned my body and the uncomfortable unease of silence seemed to seep through the cracks of the monotonous marble walls.

"Your hair-"

"I know," I said through my teeth. It was truly starting to get annoying. She looked at me skeptically. She came dangerously close to me and touched her hand to my forehead. She flinched so violently I thought she might break a bone.

"Sorry to have to do this," she warned me. "Somnum!" My vision went dark as I fell backwards. 

I was in a grassy field. The same field that I woke up in with Lewis and Alex. "Rough day?" I heard someone say. I got up to find the same stark white haired man staring back at me. I immediately drew my wand.

He sighed. "Look, Kylan, I'm not your enemy. In fact, they say that family is the only thing you can count on."

"If you're my father pigs can fly," I snarled. As soon as the words escaped my mouth, I saw a flock of winged pigs fly through the air.

"Well would you look at that," Grindelwald said. I sighed. Sometimes I really disliked the wizarding world.

"I swear Grindelwald-"

"Dad," he corrected.

"Gellert," I compromised. "What the hell do you want? And anyways, aren't you supposed to be dead?" He shrugged at this.

"Death didn't feel that it was necessary to hold me and Time said that I'm allowed to come back."

"Death? Time?" I asked bewildered. He nodded.

"Oh yeah, they're great deities once you get to know them," he replied.

"I didn't know you had social skills," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Nothing. Anyways, if you're my father then who is my mother?" I asked. He looked as if he remembered something.

"This might be hard to hear," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're adopted."

"Of course I am," I said under my breath. "Why the hell did you try to kill me then?" Grindelwald shrugged.

"I wanted to see if you were powerful," he paused, smiling to himself. "It seems that I was right." I raked a frustrated hand through my white hair. We sat in silence for a few minutes before Grindelwald got up.

"I'll be going now," he said. "You will too."

I felt my conscience being plucked from the peaceful utopia back into the infirmary. I tried to sit up but immediately regretted it as pain exploded throughout my chest.

The infirmary was empty when I got up. I winced as I realized I was still in my previous clothes. I took my stygian blue cloak off the nightstand and wrapped it tightly around my shoulders as I walked down the hallway. I needed to clear my head from all this Gellert Grindelwald stuff.

There was a wooden door at the end of the hallway that I pulled open and jumped out into the cold, midnight air. I flew, looking like a trail of black smoke as I directed myself towards the "Forbidden Forest".

Many animals greeted me as I walked through the thicket. I kept adjusting the collar on my cloak, finding every position uncomfortable. In fact, my own skin felt uncomfortable. I then realized what was happening when I saw the full moon through a gap in the trees.

Oh shit.

Oh shit, indeed! Looks like you're screwed.

Have you ever slid across a wooden floor and tore skin? Imagine that fiery pain multiplied by a million. My clothes ripped as my nails turned into claws, my teeth turned into sharp fangs, and I gained an extra foot in height. I felt a strange sense of euphoria when I was finished transforming. Almost like I was at peace with nature.

I sprinted through the woods, faster than I've ever run even with speed enhancing charms. I scaled a boulder and howled loudly. My ears perked as I heard the snapping of twigs and the rustling of leaves. A guttural growl was followed by a faint silhouette at the treeline.

I felt claws scrape my back as I turned around to find a grey werewolf tackle me. I bit into my attackers flesh causing a pained howl to echo throughout the woods. I kicked the werewolf off of me and clawed at their face. I stood there clawing at it for thirty seconds before I realized that I'd killed the wolf. 

I heard several similar growls behind me. It suddenly clicked in my mind that I was fighting an entire pack. I turned around to find five werewolves growling at me with pure hatred etched onto their faces. A single wolf towered above the rest. I assumed that was their alpha.

Before I could make a move, two of the five wolves tackled me. Scarlet blood tainted my stark white fur as they clawed at my body. I yelped as I pushed one off. I bit the other in the neck furiously as I felt the taste of blood overload my taste buds. I heard a sickening crunch as ripped the wolf's head from its body. I kicked the wolf away as I turned to the other wolf.

It was lying on the ground, shivering. Part of me felt sympathy, but the more power-hungry, primal side of me clawed at the poor thing. I threw the dead wolf away as I turned to the remaining three wolves.

The alpha looked at me with murderous intents. I gave it a wolfy smirk. It gave a deafening roar as it charged at me, throwing me into a tree. I almost vomited as I made contact with the tree. I wiped the blood off my maw as I charged at the alpha. We wrestled in the leaves for at least five minutes until he got a lucky hit. His claws raked my snout as I howled in pain. Blood clouded my vision as I went into full offense, biting, clawing, punching, and kicking.

It took me several minutes to realize that I had viciously dismembered the wolf. I got up and looked at the two beta's who were paralyzed in fear at seeing their leader dead. They turned to run but I was quicker. Much quicker. I stabbed one claw into a wolf, killing it instantly, while raking my claws across the back of the other. It howled in pain as it fell to the ground, helpless. I clawed at it's chest until I could see bone. I got off of the wolf as it really sunk in.

I'd ruthlessly murdered an entire pack of werewolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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