[Chapter 3]

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I didn't like Professor Umbridge. No one liked her. I was scouting kids from Defense Against The Dark Arts class when I found out that they didn't use wands. Excuse me, but what on Hogwarts holy grounds is that? How are you expected to defend yourself when you don't have your primary weapon?

I was in my wolf form at the time when Professor Umbridge singled me out. Her gaze was so intense it felt like she wanted to rip me apart. "Mr. Orval, who told you that you're allowed to snoop around in my classroom?" she asked.

I transformed back into my human form while answering her question. "Albus Dumbledore," I replied. Her confident persona seemed to falter.

"I'm sure I'm being too cautious, but it feels like Dumbledore told you to spy on me. Spying on me is basically spying on the Ministry which is a serious offense," she said in her horribly annoying voice. I rolled my eyes at her. "I should remind you that offending me is offending the Ministry too." At this point everyone was staring at me. All except Hermione. She almost looked like she expected it. Ronald Weasley was giving me the death stare of the century while Harry Potter looked at me in awe.

"Well," I said, "you can tell the Ministry to get lost. We don't need them anyway." Professor Umbridge started to scowl.

"Who do you think protects you and Hogwarts? The Minis-"

"No you dolt! We've never needed your help and every event was handled by the Ivories! We've always had it under control until you morons showed up!" I exclaimed. Professor Umbridge had her wand in hand. I laughed when she put it up.

"What are you going to do? Stun me?" I said, smiling. Umbridge did not look amused. 

"I'm trying very hard to instill discipline into you children," she said. "I presume I'll just have to try another method." 

A short burst of light shot at me from her wand. I didn't have to take my wand out to block her. I just flicked the weak spell away with my fingers. She kept firing weak charms at me as I got closer to her.

"Alright, this has been fun but I have other classes to attend," I said. I took out my wand and pointed it in the air. "Obliviate!"

I exited the classroom while the students looked around in confusion. I smirked as I turned back into my usual all black wolf form. There is one Hog that I particularly wanted to check up on. She was in her typical Care of Magical Creatures class.

I turned back into my human form. I tapped Luna on the shoulder. She turned to me with a small smile. "Oh, hello, Kylan," she said. I looked up at Professor Grubbly-Plank. Everyone was staring at me again.

"Excuse me, Professor, can I borrow Luna for a minute?" I asked. She nodded. We walked away from the group.

"What is it Kylan?" she asked. I grinned.

"Luna, I've seen that you excel at Magizoology and I came here to tell you that have a high chance of getting a spot among the Ivories," I told her. She nodded and was walking towards the group. "Oh, and Luna? Thanks to you we've identified the once extinct species of nargles just in these woods." She turned and smiled.

"Always happy to help," she replied. I smiled back at her.

The rest of the day on as usual. I met up with Alex and Lewis at lunch. We talked about the people who we thought were probably going to become Ivories.

"I think Luna is definitely becoming an Ivory," I said. The two nodded in agreement.

"I think Neville is also a good candidate," Lewis mentioned. I looked at him quizzically. "What? His work on Herbology is pretty groundbreaking. And, we don't have a botanist at the Ivory Towers." I considered this. 

On one hand, Neville was the weakest wizard in Defense and Charms. But on the other hand, he was determined and was terrific at Herbology.

"What about Hermione Granger?" Alex suggested. That also made sense. She was all around one of the best students I've seen at Hogwarts. "Or Harry Potter?" I groaned. 

"That arrogant kid thinks he's above everyone else," I said. Lewis shook his head.

"When I saw him, he was actually pretty humble. He defeated Voldemort, won the Triwizard, and started something called Dumbledore's Army," he said. I choked on a brussel sprout.

"He started what?" I asked him.

"Something called Dumbledore's Army. I heard him talking about it with Granger and Weasley," he replied. "I believe the first meeting is this weekend at Hogsmeade. I believe it was started because Harry Potter wanted to teach students how to defend themselves."

I nodded, and looked down the table at Luna. I waved at her. She flashed me a small smile and waved back. I heard Lewis snort. 

"What?" I exclaimed. 

"Don't tell me you're getting starry eyed for Luna over there," Lewis groaned.

"What about Cho Chang?" Alex inquired,

"The only thing Cho excels at is being admired by Harry Potter," Lewis scoffed.

"Oh, how 'bout we go see the Ravenclaw Quidditch tryouts?" Alex suggested.

"Sure," I replied.

"What the hell is Quidditch?" Lewis asked.

"No idea," Alex and I replied.

I looked down the table at Weasley, "Hey, do you know Quidditch is?" I asked.

"'Hey, do you know what Quidditch is?'" he mimicked in a high squeaky voice.

I looked past him at Granger. "Do you have any idea what Quidditch is?" I urged.

"W-w-what," she replied, looking up from a book called Quidditch Through the Ages

"Funny, when I talk her she doesn't stutter at all." Lewis whispered to Alex. Alex grinned.

 "You know what," I said, getting up, "screw this." 

We followed a group of Ravenclaws out onto a strange looking meadow.

There were six rings, three on each side, and they were facing each other. I saw witches and wizards in purple cloaks mount brooms.

"I've heard about these," Alex hissed, as he gestured towards the brooms, "they're just expensive means of transport."

"Merlin's beard, why don't they just fly or Apparate?" I asked.

"They don't learn it 'till they're 17 apparently," Lewis scoffed.

"C'mon guys, let's go find a seat, we got a tryout to watch," I commanded.

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