[Chapter 2]

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I could respect the Great Hall. The floating candles were a nice touch along with ceiling that looked like a stormy sky. We didn't have a grand, extravagant hall in the Ivory Towers as we usually just jump straight into classes instead of having a meeting.

Also, most of us don't eat. Or sleep. I eat, but only vegetables because of my Omnilinguism. Imagine if I ate an animal I talked to yesterday. It makes me shudder just to think about it. I also don't sleep because of my Omnilinguism. All of the nocturnal animals love to talk to me during the night.

Albus was just interrupted from what I'm sure was a very important speech by the new Professor Umbridge from the Ministry of Magic. Lewis and I were both in our animal forms -him disguised as an owl and me as a wolf- so we wouldn't draw attention to ourselves as they probably thought it was just another animal from Professor McGonagall's transformation classes.

The only person who seemed to see right through me was none other then Hermione Granger. Her brown eyes almost seemed to bore into my jade green eyes. It was until Ronald Weasley tapped her on the shoulder that she finally removed her gaze from mine.

I had a creeping suspicion that one of the reasons Professor Umbridge was here was because of me. The Ministry had been insistently sending people to spy on me. Not to brag but I was one of the most powerful wizard the Ivories had seen in centuries and the Ministry thinks that I will turn out to be like You-Know-Who. 

I thought that that was absolute rubbish. I was way more powerful than him. He may be able to cast the killing curse with powerful force, but I've been taught how to block the unforgivable curses since my second year in the Towers. Also, my wand makes the Elder Wand look like a twig. Like all the Ivories, I have a wand made of ivory. The thing that was unique about mine was that I had a thestral hair as my wand core.

When Professor Umbridge finished her speech on "Educating children in a Ministry friendly way" or something, Lewis and I went to talk to Albus. Our classes in the Ivory Towers didn't start in until a week or two. Unfortunately, Draco Malfoy seemed to also be scouting but I suspected he was just boasting and bragging to the little friends he had.

I strolled the halls, still in my wolf form, with Lewis flying above. We both made our way to Albus's office. As I approached the large griffin that served as a staircase to Albus's office, I ran into Professor McGonagall herself. She looked down at me.

"I suppose you're the Ivory who Albus told to come?" she asked. I turned back into my normal self.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm not sure we've met officially. I'm Kylan Orval," I greeted extending my hand. She looked a little weary of me. When I reached into her mind, I saw a thirteen year old Minerva applying to the Ivory Towers. She seemed so hopeful. Unfortunately, she was denied. She never really recovered as one of her biggest mentors and idols, Albus Dumbledore, was an Ivory. She thought if she could become an Ivory, she could be as good as him.

"Minerva McGonagall," she replied, knocking me back into reality. She shook my hand. "Well, I suppose you'll need the password,"-she turned to the griffin-"Sherbet Lemon." The griffin twirled and a staircase was revealed.

I saw a familiar owl fly in front of me. Lewis transformed back into a human. He nodded at me as we both ascended the staircase. As we neared the top I heard a familiar voice call out, "Took you long enough." The boy had black hair that fell just over his eyes.

He was leaning on the post at the top of the stairway, his calculating blue and red eyes looking us up and down. He had two different colored irises because he was completely equal in darkness and light. "Good to see you Alex," I replied. Alex was an Elementine, the first of which the world had ever seen. That landed him a spot in the Ivory Towers. He also happened to be one of my best friends. "How've you been?" He rolled his eyes.

"Bored," he replied.

"He's been waiting here for an hour already," Albus said from his desk. "He Apparated here. I suppose you two wanted to get the full Hogwarts experience by riding the train." Alex looked shocked.

"How could you stand sitting on a train filled with ignorant Hogs? I'm sure the noise was terrible with your Omnilinguism too," he said. I nodded.

"I'll just say, the birds do not speak very highly of their owners," I replied grinning. I looked back at Lewis. He was smiling too. The three of us were the best wizards the Ivory Towers had ever seen and we pretty much represented them.

"Have you met Harry Potter?" Albus asked. I rolled my eyes as Lewis sighed. 

"Harry Potter was a little ruder than I expected," Lewis said for the both of us. "His friends weren't much better. Although, the one called Hermione couldn't keep her eyes of you." He punched me on the shoulder playfully as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I shouldn't hold you up," Albus said. "Classes start tomorrow morning. I suggest that should be easy to attend as I hear you three don't sleep." I laughed. I looked at my two best friends.

"I heard the forests are pretty thick," I whispered, "apparently, they're also unexplored. We should check them out."

"Definitely," Alex and Lewis replied simultaneously. We waved goodbye to Albus as we all walked down the halls. Instead of going down the stairs we all jumped off them and landed on the ground floor. We could all withstand a jump from any height without any pain.

I passed a small hut with a burly man sitting one the steps. He was playing his flute. He saw our silver robes and nodded, obviously knowing where we came from. With no argument, the three of us entered the forest.

I instantly turned into a wolf and howled just for the fun of it. I saw Lewis transform into a coyote as Alex transformed into a lion. I forgot to mention Alex was also an Animagus. All three of us raced through the forest running at breakneck speed while taking in our surroundings. At one point we ran into a centaur herd that almost trampled us but I talked them out of it.

Eventually we came to a place with a few thestrals playing around and sleeping. I squinted when I saw a pale girl with platinum blonde hair. She was petting a thestral but that wasn't even the most interesting part. She wasn't wearing shoes.

I transformed back into my human form as I ushered Alex and Lewis to be silent. As I approached her, the thestrals seemed to become interested in me. Even the thestral the girl was petting came over to me. Perks of being an Omnilinguist I guess.

"Hello there," the girl said. "You're an Omnilinguist right?" I was taken aback.

"Yes," I said. "How could you tell?" I asked as a thestral nuzzled me.

"The thestrals seem to accept you as part of their family," she responded simply. "Any friend of the creatures are a friend of mine. I'm Luna Lovegood." She extended her hand. I shook her hand.

"Kylan Orval. It's a pleasure to meet you," I replied. "Can I ask why you have no shoes?" A faint smile flashed across her face.

"I suspect it was the Nargles," she replied, like it solved everything. I was an Omnilinguist and I have no idea what a "Nargle" is. 

"Well, Luna, I'll probably see you around the castle," I said. She smiled.

"I'm looking forward to it," she replied. I transformed back into a wolf and ran back to Alex and Lewis. They didn't say anything. We resumed our adventure. We ran for the rest of the night, in fact. I mean, what else are we supposed to do. 

When the sun appeared, I knew it was time to get out of the forest. I lead the two out of the Forbidden Forest and back to the castle we transformed back into our human forms. We didn't have a single sweat drop on our bodies. Perks of being wizards.

I was making my way back to the castle when I heard, "Hey Kylan! Come here and put Weaselbee in his place!" I rolled my eyes at the arrogant blonde haired boy.

"Here we go again," I sighed.

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