[Chapter 1]

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I expected the Hogwarts Express to be more grand if I'm being completely honest. I've never really ridden a train before because I usually just Apparate to school. Even though I'm only fifteen, I was taught Apparation in my first year in the Ivory Towers.

I was in a compartment with a pretentious and arrogant boy named Draco Malfoy. My friend, Lewis, sat on his shoulder in his bird form. My friend Lewis is a Metamorphmagus. He was currently disguised as a kite. I was debating whether I should turn into a wolf just to top him.

I was an Animagus. I was also a Legilimens and an Omnilinguist. Sometimes it got annoying as an Omnilinguist because I can understand every single language, including Parseltongue. Lewis was not impressed either as he was squawking something about how he hasn't seen the trolly in over forty-five minutes and that he was starving.

"Shut up, Lewis," I squawked, earning a very confused look from Draco. I was about to close the compartment door because the noise was driving me crazy, even for an Omnilinguist, but I was stopped by a trio. I recognized one as the famous Harry Potter. His eyes darted from me, to Lewis, to Draco.

"I didn't realize you had a pet Draco," Harry said. I heard Lewis squawk at least a dozen unflattering words at him. "That's pretty grand for you Malfoy. Even if it is a pigeon." Lewis flew off of Draco's shoulder and turned back into a human.

"For your information, Potter," Lewis practically spat the last word, "I'm a kite. And anyways, when was the last time you saw a bird with blue eyes?" Harry blinked. The two other figures behind him stirred. A brown haired girl stepped forward.

"You're an Animagus," she said. Lewis laughed.

"I'm a Metamorphmagus," he responded. He pointed at me. "He's the Animagus." She looked me. Her eyes widened.

"O-oh," she stuttered still looking at me. "M-my name is Hermione." I heard another figure behind Harry scoff. He had red hair. He was wearing a fuzzy sweater that had the letter W on it.

"Did you hear her stutter?" he said to Harry. "She's mental I tell you, absolutely mental."

"And who are you?" I asked him. 

"'And who are you'," he mimicked, mocking me. He looked at Draco. "I see you've got new servants." He gestured at Lewis and I. Lewis yanked out his wand. I stopped him, grabbing his hand. 

"He's not worth it," I told him. "He's just some idiotic Hog." If you're wondering why Hog is capitalized, all the Ivories call the kids who attend Hogwarts, Hogs. The boy scoffed.

"What are you wearing anyway?" he asked pointing at my silver Ivory robes. I was wearing a white long-sleeve shirt with a black sweater vest over it topped with a silver hooded cloak. I also had simple black pants on. "What house's colors has black and silver? What house are you part of? Elepha-"

"Silencio," I said without using my wand. His lips glued together as he screamed muffled insults and whined. Draco laughed.

"Good one Kylan. Really put Weaselbee in his place," he remarked. Out of the corner of my eye, I still saw Hermione staring at me. It was getting a little unpleasant.

"Come on," Harry said. "Let's go guys." Weasley agreed in muffled compliance. Hermione finally tore her gaze away from me. They exited our booth and I slid the door shut behind them. I looked back at Draco, who hadn't put on his silver robes yet.

"You should probably get changed," I suggested. If you're asking, unfortunately Draco was an Ivory. The only reason he was an Ivory was because his father paid his way in.

He nodded and exited the compartment. I slumped back against the slightly cushioned seats. Lewis gave me a funny look.

"Could you read the list of kids Albus told us to scout?" I requested. He nodded, pulling out a little pouch which he had put an Undetectable Extension Charm on.

"Accio Dumbledore's list!" he commanded. Yes, it's called Dumbledore's list. Shut up. A scroll flew out of the pouch and opened in the air.

"The list of children I recommend," the paper read to us, "Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Neville Longbott-"

"I'm back!" Draco barged in. A look of confusion crossed his face as he looked at the piece of paper. "What's that?" At this point the paper had resealed and was on its way to return to the pouch but Draco snatched it out of the air.

"Dumbledore's list..." He read. Then he looked even more confused. "There's nothing on this paper." Lewis nodded and then looked at me.

"Y-yeah," I lied, "we were brainstorming ideas about who we want to scout." Draco didn't look convinced at all. He dropped the subject once two figures appeared at the door. Draco smiled and opened the compartment door. 

"Ahh, Crabbe and Goyle, meet my new classmates," he gestured at us. They both looked Draco up and down.

"What the devil are you wearing?" one asked. Draco smiled.

"This is my new uniform, Goyle" he replied. They still looked confused. Draco sighed. I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm an Ivory," he repeated for what felt like the one thousandth time. That made them even more confused. Draco just pushed the two back and shut the door.

"What's up with you and Harry Potter?" I asked changing the subject. Draco scoffed. 

"I'm way better than him in everything and he is just mad he can't be as good as me. He hasn't even gotten a fraction of my grades," he said arrogantly. I shook my head.

"Draco, you only have semi good grades because you paid the teachers," I stated. Draco fake gasped.

"Why would you think I'd to such a thing?"

"Draco, you can't lie to me. I'm a Legilimens," I replied.

"Curse you and your bloody mind reading," he muttered. I looked at Lewis. He rolled his eyes. He outwardly expressed his thoughts to me.

I cannot stand this idiot, His mind whispered.

I induced my words into his head. Welcome to the club, I replied. 

I felt the train come to a stop. I looked at Lewis. "You ready?" I asked him. He laughed.


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