[Chapter 5]

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The Ivory Towers were just as I remember. Clean, prestigious, and comfortable. On the outside, the Towers looked like any other tower in Hogwarts. On the inside, it was sixty-seven times better. The halls had a white and black color scheme with grey marble walls.

Some would say that it seemed bland and monotonous. But those were just the halls. The classrooms were completely adapted to their classes. Each classroom had a charm that made it so the classroom could enlarge and reduce to best fit the lesson.

In my opinion, the sleeping quarters were the best part. Each person had their own room as the building itself could enlarge and reduce so that it was massive on the inside and small on the outside.

The quarters were accustomed to the persons interests and needs along with all the comfy furniture you could imagine.

When we finished our meal at Hogwarts, everyone either grabbed on to me, Alex, or Lewis. Once everyone was interweaved, Alex, Lewis, and I apparated to the Towers.

We apparated into one of the huge halls where fifty or so students were milling around. Alex, Lewis and I directed all of the new Ivories to their quarters. As I lead the group, I saw girls stare at me. The weird thing was that when I returned their gaze they turned away and blushed. Lewis sighed beside me.

"Why don't any girls stare at me?" Lewis complained. "I'm cool right? Alex, tell me I'm cool." Alex laughed at the statement. I walked over to a certain annoying blonde haired girl. She was in a conversation with another girl when the girl she was talking to pointed at me. When her eyes landed on me, she smiled.

"And to who do I owe the pleasure of talking to the mysterious, handsome, powerful, Kylan Orval?" she asked, her smile not leaving. Lewis groaned.

"Save it, Skeeter," I told her. "I would like the newspaper please." She grinned.

"Kyle, call me Sabrina-"

"My name is Kylan, not Kyle," I reminded her for the one hundredth time.

"Whatever," she said. Her smile turned into a smirk. "You know the deal." I rolled my eyes. Sabrina Skeeter was almost as stubborn as her aunt.

"For the last time, Sabrina, I'm not going out with you. Now please give me the damn paper," I told her. When she didn't budge I continued, "Don't make me take it from you Skeeter." She smiled.

"That's the Kylan I know-"

"Accio!" I said at the stack of papers beside her. The newspaper flew into my hand.

"Hey!" she shouted. "That's not allowed!" she exclaimed as I started to walk away.

"Everything's allowed, Skeeter," I told her smirking. "Oh, and for the record, we both know you can't handle me." I walked away, my smirk growing.

"Damn," Alex said, as we walked. "That was wicked." I smiled as I looked at the newspaper. My smile turned into a scowl as I saw one of the headlines called, "The Boy Who Lies".

"The Ministry is so ignorant," I muttered. "If I told a pack of hyenas to lead the wizarding world they'd be better than this pathetic excuse of a government."

I lead the Ivories to the third floor where all the sleeping quarters were. I told them to find a room without a name on it and that the room would automatically accustom itself to your preference.

I myself went into my room. When I opened the door, the scent of new books and citrus hammered my sinuses. I walked out onto the great fluffy rug with a couch and a coffee table. I saw my large bed in the back corner topped with a massive bookshelf next to it.

I walked into the bathroom and undid the charm that made the dark circles around my eyes disappear. As you know, I don't sleep. When I looked into the mirror, the person staring back at me looked like he had very bad bruises in the shape of circles around his eyes. I decided to take a shower. I turned on the shower head and instantly cold water droplets bombarded me.

After five minutes I exited the bathroom and put on pajamas. I jumped on my bed. It was insanely comfortable. Too bad I can't sleep.

I heard werewolves in the Forbidden Forest howl, asking for help. I took out a book called Wizarding History. It was pretty much the only subject that I don't know everything about. I didn't take Advanced Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Transformation or any other class besides Herbology, Dueling, Wizarding History, and Muggle Studies because I've learned everything the teacher could teach me.

I put my head against one of my pillows. This was going to be a long night. I read the entire book just before sunrise. For the remaining hour I just stared at the ceiling wondering why the Ministry thinks Harry Potter is lying.

At seven thirty am, I heard a knock on my door. I quickly muttered the charm that made the circles around my eyes disappear. I take a quick look in the mirror. My black hair was slightly tousled but it wasn't too bad. I decided to leave it as it was. They knocked again.

"Come in!" I told the mystery knocker. I expected it to be Skeeter but I was a little taken aback when Hermione Granger stood in the doorway.

"I was j-just wondering where I could get m-my t-timetable," she stuttered as she looked at me. I smirked. I simply waved my hand and her schedule appeared out of thin air.

"Here you go," I said handing it to her. I snapped my fingers and my pajamas turned into my Ivory robes. "We both have Dueling first period so we'll go together." I whisked her out of my room and into the hallway. I saw her blush at my hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry," I apologized, taking my hand off her shoulder.

"No, it's fine," she said. I saw her scrunch her nose in embarrassment. I didn't need to use my Legilimency to know that she wanted to clamp her mouth shut. I simply smirked. I happened to find it adorable.

I nodded at Professor Astra as Hermione and I entered the dueling room. I grinned when I saw the dueling platform at the center of the room.

"I hope you studied your charms, Granger," I told her. "You're going to need it."

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