114: Do it Your Way

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[A little nod to the fact that they should have had Blake address that in Volume 8. I love how they always forget the character backstory whenever it's not moving the plot forward and would just help deepen the characters. I mean, CRWBY forbid Blake do anything to make us like her again.]

Emerald didn't expect that from Blake--and had completely forgotten that was true--but it was a weird thought.

"Hey, yeah," Sun said. "You kind of are alike."

Blake gave him a look with her ears down.

"He means that you act all moody but you're actually sweet underneath it." Neptune gave Sun a nudge. "Right?"

"That's totally what I meant," Sun said enthusiastically.

"Is that better?" Emerald made a fist. "Buzz off, Blue Boy."

"Talk about shooting the messenger." Neptune backed away.


Torchwick and Neo joined them right then and gave their report.

Emerald was not happy to hear that Tyrian was back--she wasn't the only one.

But as for the rest of the news...

"I always did wonder how Vic made money for all that dust." Vara blew hair out of her face. "But this?"

"I think I should have asked that a long time ago," Theo said. "Figured I didn't want to know."

"It seems to me everyone figures that until it affects them, in this Kingdom," Pyrrha noted, a bit reprovingly.

"In Shine's absence, you really do sound like her," Oscar remarked.

"I was thinking that you did more," Pyrrha said.

"But no one sounds like Wally,"  Jaune said.

"Would you want to?" Blake asked.

"Hey." Tai walked in suddenly. "Where did you guys all disappear to?"

Yang and Qrow realized right then that they'd never told him when they left the camp.

Everyone looked at him somberly.

"Guys?" Tai said. "What is it? What happened?"

* * *

Weiss and Ruby found themselves in what looked kind of like an old store. It didn't look very secure--a lot of rotting wood, from the look of it, and the smell of dust...and other stuff.

They were tied to chairs with Aura-blocking cuffs--as their captors so nicely told them.

The gang who'd taken them had take the covers off their face, with a warning not to make any fuss if they didn't want to be put out again.

Ruby still couldn't believe she'd gotten captured this easily.

The gang didn't seem very interested in talking to them. They were chatting amongst themselves about weapons and hustles and other stuff they had on the agenda, or about girlfriends or boyfriends.

"Who are you people?" Weiss finally asked, indignantly.

Most of them ignored her.

One, who didn't seem that interested in talking to the others, glanced at her and then said, "They call us The Lost Kids."

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