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[hi just wanted to say I love the idea newt is autistic as it helps spread repetition and also proves autism doesn't destroy marriages yes I'm looking at you autism speak's 🖕]

It was a normal day in the ministry's 'animal daycare' [idk what to call it] but much MUCH louder as lots of new animals had come in off a ship in the north all of the animals needed attention and the volunteers needed newts help so he was racing around trying to help them all at once.

"Mr newt the Aqualazism (said like aqua laze isum) is severely dehydrated" said another voice while newt was trying to get a scalpel away from a niffler.
"Go to the water habitat and put it in one of them I'll be there in a second" newt said stumbling on his words before snatching the scalpel away from the niffler, grabbing it in a safe way so as not to hurt the creature.
Newt ran to the water habitat to see a very dry Aqualazism and instantly knew what it would need but before he could even start another boy came in asking for his help so he gave the kid some instructions before running off to help the new requester.
Today was going to be hectic.

Newt was everywhere helping animal after animal not slowing down to catch his breath, he had to help otherwise the animal and his helper would be stressed and teenagers already have enough of that as newt remembered the horror of being a teen. When the kids went on break newt was left alone tending to wounds and still rushing around the place and the kids seemed to notice.

"Hey don't you think newt is acting weird today" said the first boy who received some nods and a few confused stares.
"I'm not sure what you mean" started another but was interrupted by a
new-ish boy by the name of Stephan who loved to laugh and poke fun of newt behind his back to his girlfriend called Olivia who also happened to be in the volunteer group both of them newt believed to be good volunteers and hard workers, but really they were only there to have someone easy to make fun of and newt fits the bill.
"He's always weird and freaky I mean just look at him he even moves like an idiot" only a few giggles were heard as most of the group thought so well of newt and didn't like how the two deceived him. The sad fact was that Stephan and Olivia hadn't even reached there most evil stage what they were prepared to do just to entertain themselves was horrific they could get away with murder with how manipulating they could be.

The group push away from there mean comment and continued to worry about newt and his growing condition. One of the kids there knew what was going on but there was nothing she could do about you see Ezra had been trusted with a secret and had to promise not to tell anyone and call a certain black haired woman if anything bad happened.
"I think he's just worried for the animals like normal" said a older girl in the group. The conversation about newt continues all throughout there lunch break only interrupted by rude snarky comments from Stephan and sometimes Olivia.

Once they got back off there lunch breaks they walked back in to newt in a stumbling run towards the desert habitat, Ezra's worries for her mentor rising she decided if anything too bad was to happen she would call Tena.
While everyone was getting back to work Stephan and Olivia had decided to prank the now flinching and tense newt and 5 minutes later they had a diabolical plan in order they just had to get everything prepared.

Newt had just finished helping demiguise who didn't want to let him go when the two demons came in.
"Mr newt Mr newt something wrong with the Aqualazism" Stephan said pulling the more stressed newt along by the arm to the water habitat he had somehow neglected to come back to only to see what he thought was a dead Aqualazism.
"Mr newt you killed it" said Oliver in her deceiving voice that made newt's head ring.
"You murdered one of your creatures because you're USLESS" Stephan laughed into newt ear. The two had shifted something in newt as his body started to shake violently his vision blurred and his ears stung with voices that had resurfaced from long ago fuelled and ready to torture the man to rip open scars that only healed not to long ago.

A group of teenagers had gathered only making newt's condition worse, Stephan and Olivia had finally finished and decided to watch the show not realising what they had done and also neglecting to tell newt that the creature was alive. Newt now stood frozen to the ground unable to more his eyes fixated upon the corpse guilt was way to weak to describe what he was feeling. Ezra watched in horror as newt stumbled backward falling onto a wall and sliding down it she noticed his panicked breathing and realised instantly what the two laughing maniacs had done... they had taken advantage of newt's stressed state and made him believe that he killed an animal, they discussed Ezra and it made her fists shake but she couldn't afford to act out now.

Ezra pulled out her phone and called Tena before yelling at everyone to leave and of course they all did.
"Yes Ezra whats wrong?" Said the familiar voice on the other end of the line.
"It's newt come here right away please I think it's a panic attack" Ezra said trying to stay as calm as she possible could as to not make newt's condition worse.
"I'm on my way" Tena said as soon as she hung up she appeared in the room and ran over to newt who was now shoving his knees into his eyes and his hands looked as if they would Squishies had completely if he applied any more pressure.

Newt's head was spinning all he could hear was the insulating voice of his conscious.
All the words suffocated him as he gasped for any air all he could do was blame himself only making the voices more powerful they would kill him if this continued.

Tena was devastated to find newt in such a bad condition, tears fell like a waterfall and he shook like a earthquake.
"Tell me what happened" Tena said in such a way it sounded almost like she was begging and of course Ezra was happy to help in any way she could.
"I think Stephan and Olivia took advantage of his stressed state and decided to 'prank' him by telling him that the Aqualazism had died and that it was all his fault" when Ezra finished she looked up at the woman who was so petrified by the information she looked ill. Tena knew how much the animals meant to newt and if he believed he was the reason for its death she was sure he would never forgive himself.
Suddenly newt's screamed out in pain only making Tena worry more if she didn't stop this soon he would suffocate himself. She evaluated her options as quickly as possible and decided the best course of action would just be to comfort newt so slowly she rapped her arms around the quivering man and gave him a long hug.

It would be better if you just didn't exist.
The voice laughed as newt screeched from the pain in his lungs, moments after he felt arms rap around him and pull him into a hug.

Newt sobbed in Tena's for was seemed like forever and Tena let him she didn't mind if her shirt was soaked with tears only that her husband was safe once again. Soon enough newt fell into a tear and stressed fulled sleep letting his body rest. Now safe and away from the stresses of the day he could relax in his wife's arms.

"We need to let him rest if anyone needs help tell them to come to me" Tena said running her hand through newts messy hair.

Tena decided to kick Stephan and Olivia out immediately for mistreatment of animals which also gave her the right to sue but decided against it as it would only punish the parents and not the children instead she opted for a talk with the kids parents who were repulsed by the knowledge that there children had set of a panic attack as a joke. Overall Tena had gotten revenge and newt had got some well needed rest.

[yay! I hope you enjoyed sorry it's not as long as my other one]
Word count = 1483

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