Chapter 28

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Melody’s P.O.V

I was sitting in the movie room while Niall and Greg were hanging out, and me and Maura sat on one of the couches watching The Titanic.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket, signaling I had a call. I excused myself and walked to the kitchen.

“Hello?” I said into the phone, I could hear quiet sobs on the other end.

“Melody, somebody sent me a picture of Harry kissing another girl when we went to the coffee shop yesterday.” She said breaking down into tears.

“FaceTime! Now,” I said hanging up and grabbing my iPad. Autumn was already face timing me, I accepted and saw her face. Make up everywhere, red puffy eyes, hair clumped together.

“Autumn, I sure it was a mistake. Send me the picture babe.” I said trying to calm her down the best I could from across the ocean. She nodded, paused it, and sent me it. Sure enough there was a picture of a girl that had bleach blonde wavy hair kissing him. He had his arms wrapped around her and hers around his neck.

“Autumn, I’m so sorry! I can’t believe he did this. Are you coming home?” I asked praying she would say yes.

“No, I’m going to stay but not talk to Harry. I’m going to talk to his mom about it, see if she knows anything. She’s super nice, I love her!” she said smiling weakly into the camera.

“Ok, well guess who came to stay!” I said smiling.

“Umm, Santa?” she teased. I giggled and shook my head no.

“Nialls family, Maura and Greg, they’re really nice. Me and Maura went shopping and now were watching a movie. Wanna meet her? Ok.” I said running into the movie room while Autumn wiped away her makeup and attempting to fix her straight brown hair.

“Maura, pause the movie,” I said running and sitting beside her.

“You know for a pregnant woman you run fast!” she laughed.

I smiled and showed her the iPad. “Maura this is Harry’s gir.. Never mind this is my best friend Autumn. Autumn ,Maura. Ok but look at this picture.” I said pulling out my phone and showing her. Her face was worried, but then she laughed.

“Sweety, this is photo shopped, Harry was just hugging her and kissing her cheek. And I think this is his cousin anyways.” She smiled. Just then Niall came running in.

“Mum!! Melody! Where are you?” he yelled running into the movie room. He ran and jumped over the couch and between me and Maura.

“Niall Horan, what have I told you about jumping on furniture.” Maura said smacking his knee.

“Mum not now, look. Paps screwed with the picture, this is Harrys sisters bestfriend, Lily.” Niall rushed, not realizing Autumn on the iPad.

“What shes his friend?” she screamed.

“Holy hell, where the hell did that come from,” Niall yelled looking around.

“Right here babe,” I said pointing to the screen.

“Oh, hey Autumn. Harry told me everything. Please, it was the paps, he cried while I was talking to him when me and Greg were at lunch.” Niall said giving her a sympathetically.

“Are you sure, it really looked like he was kissing her.” Autumn said.

“Positive Autumn now go talk to him, he’s blaming himself.” Niall said clicking the end button before she could reject.

“Ohh! Maura!” I said grabbing her hand, and put it where I felt the tiny, tiny movements.

“Oh my god! That’s my grandkid.” She smiled.

“Can we all make a baby book tomorrow. And I wanna take a picture, every 2 weeks.” I smiled. Niall smiled and got the camera, telling me to stand in front of the white wall. We seriously needed something on this wall. Every other wall is covered in stuff but this one.

Niall clicked a few pictures and plugged them into the tv, showing me and my larger baby bump.

“You know, you are bigger than most girls when their only 18 weeks” Maura said pointing out.

“I hope its twins. I want a lot of grand kids!’ She exclaimed with a smile that could touch the sun.

“Oh God, I hope not, I mean I’ll love anything I have but twins are a lot of work.” I said rubbing my belly.


I don’t know. Two boys, or two girls, or even worse, one of both.

Ok, sorry its so short, but being the bored person I am, wrote this. Next chapter will be probably Thursday or Friday. I'm gonna try to get ahead and write a few chapters before uploading, 5 votes?

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