Chapter 20

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Melodys P.O.V

Everyone was talking so they didn’t see me run past them. I slipped my heels off and held them, running faster. I could still hear my name being called, but I ignored it and ran. Finally they stopped yelling my name. I ran to the park and up the path to an open field with a bench. I sat on the bench and brought my knees up, hugging them. Finally, I just let the tears falls, dripping down my cheeks onto my legs. Why? Why would he kiss her? I thought her loved me. I thought I was the one he wanted to be with.

Now it’s completely dark, great. I sat there hugging my knees up to my chest. I just wanted to be back with him, but now I don’t. My stomach growled telling me I’m hungry. I sighed and got up checking to see if my makeup was smeared. I wiped what little had come off and got my money out of my bra. I had $100. I got my heels and walked down the path. Finally I got out of the park and put my heels back on my dirty feet. I walked down to the little café and looked around. It was late so not many people were here.

“Ill have the large coffee and 2 egg biscuits please.” I said to the guy ordering my stuff.

“Are you ok? You look like you’ve been crying.” The guy said worried.

“I’m fine it’s a long story.” I said putting on a fake smile.

“Well I get off work in 5 minutes Id love to hear if you’ll tell me.” I thought about it for a while. I needed someone to talk to. I nodded and smiled and handed him my money.

“No,Illget it.” He smiled handing my money back. I smiled and got my food taking it to a little table. I sipped my hot coffee and ate a biscuit.

“Ok. I’m off work.” The guy smiled. “By the way, I’mJordan.” He said smiling sitting down on the other side.

“Melody.” I smiled back.

“So what happened?” he asked.

“Well, I was at the club, with my boyfriend, my friends, and the rest of the band. We were all leaving, and my boyfriend had been gone awhile. Earlier on he had found on of his old best friends, Andrea. So I went looking for them and I saw him.” I said tears coming to my eyes.


“And he was kissing Andrea.” I barely said before bursting into more tears.Jordancame over and hugged me, I sat there, hugging him back.

“Oh Im sorry, I got your shirt a little wet.” I said once I had calmed down.

“Its fine, did you need a place to stay for a while?” He asked. I shook my head no but he didn’t take that as a answer. I helped me up and to a sports car. I got in he drove to a small house. He parked the car in the garage and got out. I opened the doors and went around to his side.

“Ok, me and my little sister live here, her names, Skylar. She’s really nice. I’ll see if you can borrow some of her clothes for the night.” He smiled. I nodded and followed him in the cozy house. It had baby blue walls and white furniture, with some pictures hanging around. I really liked it.

“Hey Jordan, who’s this?” I’m guessing Skylar said as she came into the living room.

“This is my friend Melody, I was hoping you could lend her some clothes for tonight?”

“Sure, come this way.” She said smiling taking me down a small hallway into a lime green room.

“So, how’d you meetJordan?” she asked looking through her clothes.

“Oh, um. I was at the café, and he asked me if I was ok. And then I told him what was wrong. He’s really nice.” I smiled.

“Oh, yeah. So what happened. If you don’t mine me asking?” she said pulling out some blue pajama shorts, and a white t-shirt.

“Well, I was at the club and saw my boyfriend Niall kissing his best friend.” I frowned.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” She said hugging me. I really this, all the hugging, its what I need for when I’m sad.

“Here you go, bathrooms across the hall.” She smiled, handing me the clothes. I got up and walked to the small bathroom and changed. They were a little big but its cozy.

Nialls P.O.V

 Where is she? Why isn’t she home yet.

“Liam, Im worried. Why isn’t she home? Can we go look for her? Please!” I said crying more. I cant believe Andrea told me she was Melody. She knows, I don’t know one person from another when Im drunk. By now, the drunkness has left and Im worried. Why was I so stupid?

“Niall, let her have time on her own. She’ll come back soon. I promise. Just go to bed and by the morning she’ll be here.” He said. I did what he said. I just hope she comes home. I love her. Love. Love. Love.

I sent her a text saying:

 Night Mel, I love you. Please come home.

I put my phone back on the table and was almost asleep when it vibrated. I looked at it and started crying again.

Ok, thanks sooo so so much for over 1000 reads. It means a lot<3 And sorry about the cliff hangers. Another chapter will be up tonight. Maybe 3. And SHOUTOUT to AndiiBabiiHoran97 for being amzing writer and a fun person to talk to. Go read her story! Its amzing<3 Okie. bye :*


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