Chapter 7

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"Melody. Come on get up you need to get ready we leave in 5 minutes." someone said in my ear.

"What?!" I said getting up fast.

"Just kidding you have a hour'' Niall said smirking. "You're not a easy person to wake up.''

"I know.'' I said rubbing my eyes. I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection. My hair was up in a pony tail. I looked ok to just have woken up. I got my clothes and slipped them on. Niall got me some mid rise white short-shorts, a coral colored parker top from  A&F, and a white tank top. He had gotten some black stilletos. Close enough. I grapped some bracelets and put them on.

I looked at the clock and saw I had 45 minutes. I got my straightener and cut it on. I grabbed some eyeliner and did the top of each eyelid and half of the bottom. I got the masquera and went light. I had blush on. I grabbed some coral colored eye shadow and put it on making sure there was black at the corners. My makeup was finished and grabbed my straightener.

I straightened it making sure all the layers were perfectly done. I got hair spray and styled my bangs.

"Hey, wanna go get some McDonalds?'' Niall said coming into the room.

"Sure. Let me put my shoes on and get my phone.'' I said getting my shoes. I slipped them on and walked over to get my phone. I grabbed it and slipped it in my back pocket.

"Niall do I look ok to be on tv?" I asked walking to the kitchen where he was getting a water.

"Yeah. You look beautiful." he said kissing me for a second and grabbing the car keys. We walked out of the door and to the elevator.

The doors opened and we walked out into the warm weather. We walked to Nialls car and he opened the door for. I slipped in and he walked to the drivers side.

"ready babe?" He asked starting the car, I nodded and we went to North Street.

We finally arrived and parked. Niall got out and opened the door before I could get my purse and phone. I got out and he shut the door and locked it. We walked in and went to order.

"I want 2 breakfast burridos and a coffee.'' I said giving my order to the guy beind the counter. Niall got a sausge and gravy with a coffee. He anded us or coffee and we waited for the food.

"Excuse me sir'' a girl that looked 14 or 15 said. Niall turned around and smiled.

"May I have your autograph Niall?" she spoke again. Niall nodded and took the pen and book and scribbled his name.

"Would you like a picture?" He asked.

"Yes if you wouldnt mind.'' She smiled getting her white iPhone. I was about to take the picture when she said something.

"I want you in here to Melody.'' she smiled taking the phone and moving over for me. I kept the phone but turned the camera the other way. We all smiled and I took the picture.

"Um I hate to ask and get into your personal life but are you 2 dating?" she asked biting her lip.

"Yeah. We have a interveiw today to talk about it.'' Niall smiled. "Whats your name?".

"Amber Snider.'' she smiled.

"Well Amber. Do you have a twitter. Me and the guys could follow you.'' Niall said getting the food.

"Yes. I would love that.@Ambyfoods.'' She smiled. Niall typed it in and found her. He followed her and I did too.

"Would you like to eat with us Amber?" I asked.

"Um I come here and get a drink.'' she said. Her smile dropped and in turn a frown came.

"Wheres your parents?" Niall asked. He motioned for her to follow us.

"Ok.'' Niall smiled as we sat down..

"Ok um. I usually dont talk a lot about my parents but I guess your cool.'' she started. "Well recently I was at a party with my boyfriend Nathon and we were drinking and um it went from there to the bedroom and now I'm a month and 3 weeks pregnant. I told my mom and she kicked my out.'' she said sadly.

"Then I went to my dads and he said he didn't want to have a slut of a daughter. So I have been living in a apartment room with a bathroom, stove, and bed. Its only 12 dollars a month.'' she smiled.

"Do you have a job?" I asked taking a sip of coffee.

"Um yes/no. I just clean houses around the town and I use whatever money I get to pay rent and then if I have some left over I use it for a coffee or hashbrown.'' she smiled. I didn't notice how skinny she was until I looked closer.

"Can I buy you something to eat Amber?" Niall asked.

"No I couldnt take your money.'' she frowned pushing the 50 back towards him.

"Please its the least I could do.'' He said handing it to her. "Please eat and then keep the change.'' he smiled. She got up and went to the counter.

"Niall. Shes pregnant. I want to let her live with me and my apartment.'' I said.

"Melody. We just met her! Your still a teenager youself. Babe think more about this.'' he exclaimed.

"Niall. WHat if it was me pregnant at 16.?"  I asked.

"Fine. But let me rent you a hotel room near me or the Pent House. The people moved out. And Ill be 7 floors down.'' he smiled.

"Ok but I can pay for it.'' I said.

"No I will. And thats final.'' He said eating his food.

"Thanks so much again.'' Amber said coming and sitting down.

"Amber. I have a question for you.'' Niall smiled.

"Ok?" she said unwrapping her food.

"Melody has thought about it and shes gonna move in the Pent House in my hotel. Would you like to live with her? We'll get you a job and all that.'' Niall said nervously.

"Thats to much now. Its enough money for a while. Thanks though.'' she said taking a sip of Dr. Pepper.

"Please. I would love to have someone live with me. I live by myself. Please'' I pleaded.

" Only if I can help pay.'' she said.

"We'll see.'' I said happy. "And what about school?" I asked.

"Oh Um well. I dropped out when i found out I was pregnant.'' she said.

"Oh I dropped out the other day.'' I said smiling.

"Ok. Well I hate to have to butt in but we have to get to the interveiw. Amber go home and pack your stuff we'll be here again at 12 to eat and pick you up.'' Niall said getting up.

"Bye guys. Thanks so much again.'' she said as we walked out.

"I finally have someone to stay with and a friend.'' I said happy.

We walked to the car smiling.

Oh gosh. I am so sorry its so short and crappy. I got sick yesterday and couldnt update. I tried my best to make this a little longer. Vote,fan, comment. <3


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