"You call this thing dangerous HA" Jamie scoffed walking way to close to the wary animal. Time seemed to slow for newt at the growler launched and his options should have been clear but his brain was foggy and anxiety filled stopping him from knowing the basic things he needed but he had to think fast it was his job to protect these kids he had promised it and when an idea came into mind he had to take it to save the stupid little kid who annoyed everybody so much.

The growler swiped with enough energy to kill the kid.

A pain filled scream.

Blood covered the floor.

Jamie stood horrified at the sight in front of him, a now bloody and very cut up chest of newt who had quickly curled into a ball from the pain. The emergency phone was in both bags and luckily the dimwit had remembered at least that.
"Hello newt what's wrong" said a woman on the other side surprise filling her voice as she had never expected to have a call from this emergency phone as newt was the best at what he did and she really didn't expect what the voice on the end of the line had to say.
"It Jamie newt has been hurt and now I'm all alone with some kind of monster" the words hurt both newt who was semi conscious and the woman who seemed to realise Jamie only cared for himself and no one else.
"Well Jamie I'll be there right away hold still" she said her voice trying to stay calm and drown out the worry newt was strong after all he would live... right.

Tena on the other side of the call had ran to the animal caretaking room and looked around for a little girl called Ezra who newt would constantly be talking about she seemed to know her stuff.
"Hi your mrs Tena right newt talks about you a lot I'm Ezra!" Said a cheery voice from behind her well at least she had found Ezra.
"Hi Ezra newt needs your help can you get the healing equipment ready" Tina said trying to keep Ezra as calm as possible, but she could already see the growing fear on the little girls face her respect and loyalty to newt and the animals was amazing.
"Right away please make sure he's safe" she yelled running away to get everything ready. Tena used her magic to get to newt's location hoping it would be fast enough to save him.

"NEWT!" Tena screamed when she saw the dying man on the floor with a worried looking growler standing over him.
"FINALLY now get me out of here this scene could traumatise me and then we will sue!" Grouched Jamie from the side of Tena who gave him an ugly side eye in response. Newt lay in the fetal position passed out from the pain and blood loss which only made Tena worry more. Tena recognised the animal as one of the growlers newt had treated before and was confused at why it had attacked not to mention that newt didn't use any of the multiple protection items he had packed. Calm as she possibly could she glided towards newt hoping not the animal wouldn't attack her as she had been introduced to it when it was first in newt's care.

The animal seemed to understand her movements and want to help listening to her voice and watching her.
"I need to take newt back for help as well as you" she whispered when she was close enough the growler calmly nudged the limp body of newt towards the woman almost begging for her to save him.
"I'll be right back I promise, don't hurt the growler" she said to the growler and Jamie before disappearing. When she landed back in the ministry the medical equipment was ready along with a lot of very worried faces. Newt was wheeled out to get help and no matter how much Tena wanted to go she new she had to get the growler and Jamie back.
"Who knows how to take care of a growler tail wound" she said to the crowd of teens hoping one of them could at least help her and of course only one hand raised, she was not the only one who knew how to heal a growler, but she was only one brave enough at the moment after seeing newts wounds.
"Perfect wait here and I'll get the growler I need the rest of you to deal with Jamie" this was received with a lot of frowns but no disagreements and they new how much respect newt had for the woman.

Tena got back with the growler and introduced it to Ezra showing how much she trusted the girl would make it calmer and more excepting to the help. Although it only took minutes to help it felt like days she really wanted to go see how newt was doing and at the first sign of her being able to she rushed to the medical wing to see newt laying down unconscious his wounds slowly healing thanks to grace there medical expert. After some time newt began to wake up at first his vision is blurred but he blinks it away with ease before slightly pushing himself up to look at Tena wiping away a tear.
"What happened" it was a normal question for what happened well at first at least "to the growler and Jamie?" of course, he would be more concerned with others especially when it involves the safety of his animals.
"The growler is being taken care of by Ezra and Jamie is just grumpy now can you tell me what happened" her voice was calm but laced with worry, and a slight touch of anger that only newt could ever pick up on. Newt felt ashamed at how stupid he was, he had purposefully put tons protection into there bags and instead of that he used his own body. stupid and disappointing. Tena seemed to sense his frustration and cupped his hand in hers.
"I'm not mad I just wanna know"

Newt explained the story fully how his mind was foggy and how his emotions must have set of the growler as well as Jamie's stupidity not forgetting to add in his own leading up to his injury. He finished his story just in time for Grace to come in and say he would be fine if he took it a bit easier for the next few days. With this knowledge he slipped out of bed Tena happy to be his crutch till he got to a chair.

In the end the ministry decided Jamie was a threat to the health of newt and refused to let him come back... maybe there were other benefits with working with the ministry.

[Hi I'm really happy with the outcome of this and I hope you enjoy it!]
Word count = 1958

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