Chapter Fourteen ~ Slut

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The light from the window was shinning into Andrews room, making me groan in annoyance and cover my eyes with my hands and open my eyes glaring at the dark blue curtains that where unfortunately still open. We always close them before bed, so why are they open?

Shaking my head, i rub all the sleep out of my eyes and look up at a sleeping Andrew and smile and try to get up but he pulls he back down with a groan. I look at the ground to find my black sports bra that i was wearing last nigh before bed, why was it on the ground? i was so confused.

I look down at my body to find i have no clothes on and gasp and look down at Andrew and my eyes widen and look back at him to find his eyes opening an everything came back to me from last night making me blink a few times in realization.

"Morning baby" Andrew, rubbed a finger up and down my thigh to my hip making me grab his hand as a short pain spreads up my hip making my breathing got faster.

"Whats wrong?" his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

He went to grab my face and i freaked out and pushed him away "Stop!" i got up and slipped my bra on and my matching undies and ran to his bathroom and shut the door, sliding down it with a tear rolling down my eyes. What am i doing? why am i crying? why am i freaking? God so many questions where running through my head.

"Astrid? baby whats wrong? god talk to me!" Andrew said through the door as he banged on it.

It all came back to me like a day dream.

"Astrid you slut! get you slutty ass here now!" my father yelled from down stairs. Scurrying down the stairs i ran to where my father is holding his shirt in his hand.

"Who's shirt is this?" he asked, fury clearly coming from his voice.

"Um... Yours" i answered, already knowing that was the wrong answer.

"Don't you lie to me!" he punched me in the jaw making me fall to the floor with a scream in pain.

"Don't let me ask you again! Who's is it?!" He knelt down to where i was lying and spat in my face.

"I... I don't know" i cried.

"Who did you fuck this time you slut? Was it that black (A/N ~ If you have dark skin plz don't feel offended its just how her father speeks he is rude, sorry :( and if you feel too offended by it just say and i will fix it)older boy across the road? HUH?!" he slapped me in the face once more before stalking off with a murmur "Fucking slut"

"Astrid!" Andrew banged on the door.

I got up and walked over to the door and unlocked it and opened it making andrew pull me into a tight hug.

"I'm a slut now" was all i said.

Andrew pulled back with a frown "What?" his face full of confusion.

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