IV-Going to Goode High

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Jason's Pov

I was excited to go to Goode High, nervous, but excited. My head kept going back to the prophecy though. 

Why was Chiron so worried about the elves? It seemed as if he knew more than what he was letting on. But I wasn't going to dwell on it. 

Suddenly, Piper stuck her head into the cabin, looking super excited. "Come on Jason! We're going to the new apartment the gods brought us!" With that, I perked my head up. "Yeah sure, I'll be right there, just give me a sec. Just lemme finish packing." 

Piper smiled. "Ok! Meet me in front of the big house with everybody else." I couldn't help but smile back. " 'kay. See you soon!" I laughed, watching her retreating figure. 

I finished packing my enchanted duffle bag and walked to the big house. When I got there, everybody was waiting. "Hey guys! Sorry I took so long." I said. 

Percy laughed, "Hey bro! And naw man, we just got here, now we're just waiting for Chiron." As if he heard us, Chiron appeared at the door in his magical wheelchair. "Are we all ready?" He asked. 

We all nodded and made our way to Half-Blood Hill. "I have arranged for a bus to take you to the house. I will IM you from time to time to check-in and make sure you guys are safe okay?" We all nodded. "Good. Oh look, you're ride is here." 

I snapped my head towards the road and saw a black with gold stripes. We all climbed on the bus to be greeted by Coach Hedge and Grover. "Grover?!?!" Percy and Annabeth exclaimed, shocked and excited. 

"Hey guys, long time no see. I'm just here until we get to your apartment. Just in case there are any monsters." Grover explained, and they smiled and nodded. 

Coach Hedge then butted in, "Alright cupcakes, let's get goin'! We don't got all day!" and off we went to the apartment.

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