The Rise of Voltron

Start from the beginning

"But seriously, there's a castle up ahead."

Looking ahead of us, there indeed is a giant white and blue castle. Everyone gasps in awe as the lion flies towards the front gate and touches the ground.

We all become tense.

"Keep your guard up." Shiro says.

"Something wrong?" Pidge asks.

"My crew was captured by aliens once. I'm not going to let it happen again."

We leave the cockpit and exit the Blue Lion when it opens its mouth for us. We walk out and stand in front of the castle.

We're suddenly startled as the lion moves to stand up behind us.

"No! No! I knew it was going to eat us! No!" Hunk screams.

The lion lets out a thunderous roar, the door to the castle reacts to its call as it activates and opens wide in front of us.

"Oh, the door is open." Hunk says from his hiding spot behind Shiro, he looks up at the lion, "Guess I was wrong about you."

We walk cautiously inside the castle and into a darkened hallway.

"Hello?" Hunk's voice echoes in the empty hall. My body tenses as we look back at him questioningly, but he just shrugs his shoulders.

"From the size of the lion, I expected these steps to be bigger." Pidge says, looking at the flight of stairs in front of us.

He's right, they are small for the lion's large paws. This place must be meant for someone else. But who? It can't be the Galra, the castle's color and design doesn't seem to match with theirs.

I inhale deeply through my snout, trying to catch a whiff of any strange scent. After a few sniffs, nothing much from what I smell stands out.

I hum in thought, bringing the humans' attention on me.

"What is it?" Keith asks.

"This place... It's old and empty, like no one has been here in a really long time."

Suddenly, a light shines on us from above, illuminating the area.

"Hold for identity scan." a computer voice says. The light scans over our stunned forms.

"Why are we here?" Shiro asks, "What do you want with us?"

When the scan is complete, the whole castle comes to life. Blue lights appear along the walls, going up the stairway and into a hall at the top. I stare wide-eyed at the illuminated path as the humans gasp.

"I guess we're going that way." Pidge says.

Having no other options, we go with his suggestion and head in the direction the lights are guiding us. I feel a little on edge as we walk through the strange castle hallways. I can't help but question everything. What is the lion, or even the castle, trying to show us? Does it have to do with Voltron? Will it help us understand what's going on?

After making a few turns around multiple corners, going up and down some stairs, and Hunk continues calling as we walk, we find ourselves in a single large room. There are small circles on the floor that form one big circle with some kind of control panel in the center.

"Hello?" Hunk calls again, hoping for a response.

"Where are we?" Lance asks.

"It's some kind of control room." Pidge says, standing next to the control panel.

Voltron Legendary Defender A Dragon's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now