"If you can help me get out of this predicament, I will be very grateful. I promise to repay you" He says

I pretend to inspect the sword in my hands, before I give it back to Kaijin

There is no need to eat the sword, since I have already eaten in once in the previous timeline

Before I created the swords, I looked at Ciel

As she picked up my gaze, she nodded

Right after that, I held out my hand, while using the former Ultimate Enchancement, now Ultimate Skill [Weapon Creation Lord "Mazpel"]

(A/N : Now hold on. Before you try to google up 'Mazpel' to see if it has a special meaning or something, let me tell you, it just popped into my head out of nowhere. I originally tried to use Greek in order for it to have some meaning, but it just ended up as 'Oplarx' or something. Didn't sound good enough for me, so I ditched it)

In front of me, 19 magisteel longswords appear

Ciel limited the output of the skill to only create special class weapons, since if we let the skill do what it wants, it could create a weapon close to the top of the Myth class

"Eh? Eh!? EH!? WHAAAAAAT!?" Kaijin screamed out

His loud scream woke up the other three dwarves that had went to sleep, who promptly walked in the room, only to start screaming as well

Garm and Dord went "WHAAAAAT!?" meanwhile Myrd was just standing there screaming inwardly

After they all calmed down, Kaijin, with the sword he made in one hand, picked up one of the swords with the other, closely inspecting both of them while muttering "These swords are just as good-no, even better than the original one..."

"So, you can finish the job now, right?" I ask

"Yes! Thank you, miss Rimuru, miss Ciel, you've been a great help!" He said enthusiastically 

Oh for god's sake

I just thought about it, but I never introduced myself as a guy to them, so, they misunderstood

"You refer to me as 'miss', but, I'm a guy, you know?" I say as such in a sassy tone

"""You're a guy!?""" They shouted in unison

"Is it the time to be surprised about that? Don't you have to deliver the swords to your king?"

"Ah, right. Once again, thank you mis-Boss Rimuru, I'll be right back!" He said as he stormed out of the workshop with the 20 longswords


The sun had hidden itself far into the east for some time now

Kaijin had come back, having already given the swords to the king

"Boss Rimuru. I thank you for you help. You had wanted to request something of me, right?"

"Well, yes. We have a village deep in the Great Forest of Jura. We wanted to find some craftsmen to come and help us create proper clothing, buildings, weapons, and all sorts of other stuff"

He looked at me, blinking a couple times

"That's all you want?" He said with a puzzled look

"Yes, that's all" I reassured him

"If that's all then I would be happy to help"

After a small moment of silence, Kaijin spoke up again

"So, Boss Rimuru. This calls for a celebration. How about a party? I will pay for everything, of course"

(Old ver. Discontinued) A Dream in the Faraway PastWhere stories live. Discover now