Chapter 75 The Final Load Test

Start from the beginning

Vassago snarled back. He had the kind of wild good looks that might've actually earned him a living as a model, and because of that, he was positively feral when angry.

Critter: Hey, hey. I'm just stating the facts.

Vassago: For someone who hung back cowering during the battle, you sure are cocky!

The other members just sat and watched, grinning, rather than stepping in to stop the argument. Once he determined it had gone on long enough, Gabriel snapped his fingers to draw their attention.

 Once he determined it had gone on long enough, Gabriel snapped his fingers to draw their attention

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Gabriel: Okay, that's enough, you two. This isn't the time to be placing blame. We need to focus on what to do next.

Vassago's head swiveled around, his lips pouting like a child's.

Vassago: But, Bro, I just gotta teach this punk a lesson, or...

Gabriel swallowed his usual demand not to be called bro. Vassago called Gabriel his bro out of respect for his VR combat-training chops, but it was an oddly displeasing moniker to Gabriel. To him, friends and comrades and other human relationships based on fickle and indistinct things like emotions were indecipherable.

When humanity finally had the means to extract and save the soul, all human emotions could be neatly described and arranged by the color and shape of that cloud of light. That would be a very good day, indeed. Gabriel assumed the tone of a team leader as he announced.

Gabriel: Vassago, Critter, I'm happy with the work of the team so far. We've taken over the control room, our primary target, with the only damage being a little scratch to Gary.

Begrudgingly, Vassago let go of Critter's collar and put his hands on his hips.

Vassago: Okay, Bro, but what's the point if the actual control system we're after is locked? Our final target, the Lightcube Cluster thingy, is on the other side of a wall of steel, yeah?

Gabriel: My point is that now we merely have to think of a way to break through that wall.

Vassago: You don't think those JSDF guys are just gonna hide in their safe space the whole time, do ya? Once the defense ship that patrols for this turtle busts in with a whole platoon of soldiers, the eleven of us plus one extra ain't gonna get far.

Vassago had a better grasp on the situation than your average stray dog, which was why Gabriel had selected him to be the vice-captain of the team. Gabriel thought it over and shrugged.

Gabriel: It would seem that our client and the higher-ups of the JSDF arrived at a deal of some sort. The defense ship isn't going to act for a whole twenty-four hours after the start of our operation.


Critter said with a little whistle. His glasses were thick as goggles, magnifying his pale-gray eyes narrowed in eagerness.

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