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╭━ ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ ♛ ⎈ ♛ ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ ━╮I'd kidnap Hook and drag him here for you if I could

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╭━ ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ ♛ ⎈ ♛ ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ ━╮
I'd kidnap Hook and drag him
here for you if I could.
╰━ ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ ♛ ⎈ ♛ ╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍ ━╯

Frightened exclamations filled the air, followed by people scrambling to move out of the range of the green tentacle. Watching her friends run about in alarm, Mal struggled to catch her breath. Panting wildly, a mix of anger and helplessness swirled withing her. A luminescent green shone from her eyes. Purple smoke began forming at Mal's feet, attracting the attention of the other VKs. Losing their friend's figure behind the thick smoke, the VKs panicked as they struggled with who they should be helping.

When the air cleared, a magnificent purple dragon had taken the place of the future Lady. A roar filled the air and Eva's cheeks heated when a fireball barrelled past her. Darting away from the attack, Uma's anger heightened as the dragon aimed for her. She was supposed to have the upper hand. Why did Mal always have to be better?

The soaked partygoers watched with bated breath as the sea witch ducked to avoid the flame. A surge of water violently rocked the boat whilst a separate wave struck from above. Eva gripped one of the poles, face white. The banner that had hung from it, now flapped in the wind, smacking her in the face every now and again. She paid it no attention as she focused all her attention on not vomiting. An uncontrollable howl sounded from Auradon's King. Ben shed his jacket, handed his crown to Carlos, and dove into the icy waters.

"Ben! No!" Eva bellowed but made no effort to move from her safe position by the pole.

Her entire job was to keep the King safe and since starting, she was doing a pretty crummy job of it. Although, in her defence, he wasn't exactly making it easy for her.

Swimming into the middle of the battling creatures, Ben's legs pumped beneath him as he fought to keep himself afloat. Not wishing to hurt her True Love, Mal hovered protectively behind him, keeping her fire to himself.

"You have to stop fighting. We need to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy but we have to try. Uma, I know you want what's best for the Isle so stay. Help me make a difference." Ben reasoned, hoping to appeal to the sea witch's innate desire.

Hand held out to Uma, Ben hoped she would take it. He truly believed that with a little effort, they could work towards mending their differences, making Auradon and the Isle a better place. Some part of him understood why she had spelled him and snuck off the Isle. After all, the people she lived with and loved needed help. His help. He was the only person who could truly change things, and he was happy to have Uma there to aid him.

A warning snarl left the dragon's mouth when a tentacle slowly made its way towards Ben's hand. A small object landed in his palm before Uma turned, sinking below the waves and far from view. Glancing down, Ben was pleased to find his ring returned; the same one Mal had returned after telling him she wasn't leaving the Isle. Amid all the chaos, he hadn't even noticed it was missing.

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