Cypriot Mythology - Mythical Creatures

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Alcyoneus - One of the giants of the Gigantomachy (the cosmic battle between Giants and the Olympians). He was a known opponent of Heracles.

Almops - A giant son of Poseidon and the half nymph Helle.

Aloadae - Giants Otos and Ephialtes, sons of the Thessalian princess Iphimedia and Poseidon. They are said to have kidnapped Ares during the Gigantomachy.

Argus - a hundred-eyed giant. He was tasked to guard Io from Zeus by Hera.

Asterius - A giant killed by Athena.

Athos - A giant known for the creation of Mount Athos, an important point in Eastern Orthodox monasticism.

Chthonus - A giant.

Cyclopes - One-eyed giants.

Damysus - The fastest giant.

Echion - A giant with the ability to change the direction of the winds.

Enceladus - A traditional opponent of Athena during the Gigantomachy.

Gigantes - Giants of great strength and aggression.

Eurytus - A giant killed by Dionysus during the Gigantomachy.

Gegenees - six-armed giants.

Geryon - A giant. Descriptions of the giant vary, however, many agree that he had multiple heads, bodies, legs, and/or feet.

Hecatonchires - Three giants with 100 arms and 50 heads each. They were Briareos/Aegaeon, Cottus, and Gyges.

Laestrygonians - A tribe of giant cannibals led by their king Antiphates.

Mimas - A giant.

Pallas - A giant.

Orion - A giant huntsman that was turned into a constellation.

Periboea - A giant princess.

Picolous - A giant slain by Helios.

Polybotes - A giant that fought Poseidon during the Gigantomachy.

Porphyrion - The king of giants.

Thoon - A giant clubbed to death by the Morai.

Tityos - A giant.


Hybrids and Monsters

Aeternae - A race of creatures with bony saw-toothed protuberances sprouting from their heads.

Amphisbaena - An ant-eating serpent with a head on each end.

Basilisk - A snake that kills those who look into its eyes.

Catoblepas - a horned buffalo-like creature with toxic breath and looks that could turn people to stone.

Centaur or Centauride - A creature with the head and neck or a giraffe, the torso of a human, and the lower body of a horse.

Cerastas - horned serpents.

Cerberus - Hades' pet, a three-headed dog. He guards the gates to the Underworld.

Cetus or Ceto - large sea creatures, often depicted as serpentine fish in Greek art.

Charybdis - A sea monster whose mouth created deadly whirlpools.

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