Thai Mythology - Folktale #2: Uthai Thewi - The Toad Queen

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Uthai Thewi was a product of forbidden love, being the daughter of a serpent (also known as a naga) princess and a male tree nymph. Blessed with magic and beauty, her mother decides to hide her in a toad's beauty to hide her otherworldly beauty and leaves her with humans to care for her. Despite this, she falls in love with a handsome prince, but the prince's mother didn't like her so she secretly arranges her son to marry a princess named Chantana.

Chantana, discovering Uthai Thewi's love for the prince, tries to kill her with black magic but fails. Out of revenge, Uthai Thewi disguises herself as an old hag who made herself known as the best beautician in town so Chantana would call upon her services. And as expected, Chantana calls Uthai Thewi to do her hair, so Uthai Thewi shaves her head and cuts into her skin with a razor. After the haircut, she persuades the princess to wear an 'anchovy hat' so that her hair will grow back more beautiful than ever. But the princess' cuts become infected and she ends up dying 7 days later.

After the death of the princess, Uthai Thewi reunites with the prince and live happily ever after.


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