Thai Mythology - Myth #2: The Mountain of the Sleeping Lady

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A long time ago, there was a princess who married a man, who later abandoned her while she was pregnant with their child. She looked for him everywhere, feeling lonely and betrayed. She walked for several days, and eventually fell to the ground in despair when she realized he left her, and he wasn't returning. She died shortly after, and with her death, her body had become so large that it ended up becoming the mountain range known as Doi Nang Non — or the mountain of the sleeping lady.

Another version says that she married a stable boy, and because of their statuses, their love was forbidden. They ended up fleeing and hiding in a cave to rest. When the boy went to find food for them, the princess' father's army captured and killed him. The princess, full of anguish, died and her blood became part of the water that flowed through the cave. And her body became the surrounding mountains, which looks like a sleeping woman.

Doi Nang Non, "Mountain of the Sleeping Lady", is located in Chiang Rai, Thailand.


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