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Rose Nkem ran hurriedly up the stairs leading to her office. She breathed a sigh of relief when she checked her time and realized she was three minutes early. She smiled as she opened her office door to relax and start the day. She thought she was going to be late but luck had always been on her side. She hadn't been late and would never be so as not to disappoint her kind-hearted boss.

Richard Watson was the Chief executive officer (CEO) of Richson Tech, a small website design company and a pretty successful one too. Richard had hired her ten years ago, a few months after she dropped out of school, then he was really in need of a helping hand in creating and designing websites for urgent companies.

He had trained and taught her the steps for creating and designing websites while still paying her for it even though he knew she wasn't qualified for the job at that time, a pregnant dropout. He was patient with her and allowed her to work at home for years since he hadn't built a company yet. Five years later, when he was financially stable and she was already steady from single parenting and had graduated from the university, he bought a building at lekki, employed more designers and programmers making her the managing director of Richson Tech.

Richard had met Diamond five years ago when Diamond surprisingly came to visit her announcing another leave she took. The two of them became attracted to each other and started dating almost immediately. A year later, the two got married and birthed a beautiful baby girl named Emerald who was now three years old.

A knock erupted in her thoughts and in came her boss.
"Hey" Richard greeted.

"Hey, good morning Richard, how was your night and my little damsel?"

"Thank God you're around early cause there's something I want to talk to you about."

"Um... What is it?" She asked, curiosity eating her.

Richard sat down at the swivel chair opposite hers, "There's this company  that wants to create a website..."

"That's good to hear..."

"... and I want you to be in charge of the website."

"Me? Not the programming team?"

"Yes, you. This company is not small..."


"... I want you to do the job, I want someone that I can trust to do this job and that person is you."

"Okay, no problem, but what's the name of this company?"


"What?! TUPPEL?"

"Yes, you're surprised, right? I mean why give it to us when there are bigger website programming companies, I was so surprised when I saw the email last night, for them to want us to do this job, which means we will soon start getting greater companies to work with us... This God is wonderful." Richard blabbed, making Rose wonder and frown. She couldn't blame Richard for not knowing about the fiasco between the two families. The Ugwuokes and the Nkem families.

"Wow! It's a great opportunity..." She replied, ignoring the little tug at her heart. This was for work purposes and besides, she was sure she wouldn't see him because she had tears ago that he had traveled abroad and she was sure he hadn't returned yet.

"Okay, I'll send your secretary their email so you can schedule a meeting with them and have a heart-to-heart talk with them to know how they want their website to be created. I trust you'd do a great job."

"Yes I'll, you don't need to worry."

"Alright then, have a great day ahead." And he left. She sighed.

Her cellphone rang, she took a glance at the caller ID and her lip stretched into a small smile.

"Hello, mom," she greeted.

" Rose, where did you put Bryan's spare socks?"

" Spare socks? What happened to the one he was using before? Mom, please give him the phone, let me speak to him."

"Alright, I'll, but promise you won't scold him okay?"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Momma?" Bryan, her nine years old son, called.

"Bryan, what's wrong, why haven't you gone to school by this time?"

"I can't find my socks."

"Where did you put it?"

"I can't remember."

"Bryan, you know you promised me that you'd learn to keep your properties yourself."

"I know mom, I'm sorry, I promise, I  won't do that again, I was just so careless yesterday."

"Okay then, I'd tell grandma where to find the spare socks and you're back from school, make sure you find your sock okay?"

"Yes, mom, I promise."

" That's my boy, now pass the phone to grandma, let me speak to her, you're already late to school, get dressed so grandma will drive you to school."

"Love ya momma."

"Love ya too son."


"Mom," Rose called as soon as she heard her mom's voice on the receiver's end, "the spare socks are inside my drawer, the one beside my bed."

"Okay dear, bye."

"Bye mom, love ya."

"Love ya too." She smiled as she stared at her phone. Her dearest mom.

Her mother had been a major helping hand in raising Bryan, after Diamond left for her husband's house her mom had been the one taking care of Bryan. She could remember after giving birth to Bryan when she was sick and basically raised him. Even when she got admission to the university where she could study part-time, her mom was the one taking care of him because most of the time Diamond wasn't always around due to her flight attendant job. While she and Diamond were out raising money, her mom took the Job of taking care of Bryan, and now that everything was alright she couldn't help but love her mom the more, who didn't abandon her the time she needed her the most.

She had heard stories of different mothers who disowned their daughters when they found out about their teenage daughter's pregnancy and was grateful that her mom didn't do that to her. She was lucky to have a great mom and promised to be a better mom for her son. She promised herself that she would shower Bryan with so much love so he won't miss out on the love of his father - Charles.

Charles, the last time she had heard about him was ten years ago, she heard from her sister, the flight attendant that Charles had flown out of the country and since then, she had never heard or wanted to hear any news concerning Charles, to her he didn't exist. No one mentioned his name in her family.

A message from her computer got her interest, it was an email. She opened it and read;

'This is Mr. Baron from TUPPEL. I was given your email address to contact you concerning the creation of the company's website. I'd love to have a meeting with you today if it's possible.'

'Sure, no problem, Mr. Baron.' She sent and laid back on the swivel chair. Richson Tech in collaboration with TUPPEL. Great. Just great!

A/N: Thank you for stopping by to read this book. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Positive comments please. Thanks guys. ILYSSM🥰🥰

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