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Happy 29th Birthday to your Author-nim. Instead of receiving gifts, I thought I would give to you guys my readers.

"Flight 2387 to Tokyo Japan will board at six thirty am."

The announcement of my family's flight was announced. I heard a few of my brothers groan at the annoyance of waiting an hour and half longer before we can board. I was curled up against Leon with a blanket wrapped around me since I was feeling cold in the airport. Few of my dads were asleep and some went to find us food and coffee for the ones that drank it.

Mom was sleeping between Daddy Mingi and Daddy Yunho. Daddy Yunho was doing soft creases on mom. Watching Daddy Yunho taking care of mom made me smile.

I felt a kiss on my forehead. The gesture brought my attention back to Leon. I lifted my head to look at him with a what expression. He shook his head as to say he didn't have anything to say. I rested my head back on his shoulder.

"Do you think we will be like them when our kids are our age?" I asked him, hoping he was thinking the same thing for our future together.

"Without a doubt I'm sure we will be affectionate towards each other while our kids are our age."

"I'm excited to meet our kids."

"I am too, I hope one of them has your attitude." He teased, making me lightly hit him and laughed with him.

"I hope one of them looks just like you." Telling him with hope that one of our twins looked like one of us. He kissed my forehead again, whispered "I'm sure they will look like both of us."

It went quiet again between the two of us. Dad Hongjoong and Daddy Seonghwa came back with bags of food from McDonald's while Dad San and Daddy Woo and Daddy Yeosang came back with drinks. The five of them started passing out each to us.

"You know, I don't understand why we couldn't take the jet?" One of my brothers asked with food in their mouths.

"This is a family vacation before Jiwoo has the twins, we need to do it correctly." Dad Hongjoong explained.

"Is it even safe for her to travel by plane?" Yejun asked.

"I'm still in my seven months fishface." I stuck my tongue at him while he gestured a fake punch towards me. He was going to get up as well but Daddy Jongho made him sit back down.

"I swear if there's any fighting between any of you, we will go home." Mom said with a warning to all of us.

Leon leaned over to me. In a whisper in my ear. "How long do you think that will last before someone starts a fight?"

I couldn't help but laugh causing everyone to look at me.

"Care to share?" Dad San asked with an eyebrow raised. We shook our heads and continued to giggle at each other.

The time went by fast that we were boarded on. The flight took about two hours and it took another hour for all of us to get to our airbnb.

Everyone was excited about the home we were renting for our week trip. There was plenty of rooms for everyone to share with each other but picking which rooms was the hardest part of our problems because we all started to argue over who wanted which room.

"I say we label each room with piece of paper with a number on each paper and we play a game to see which order who goes to pick a room." Mom suggested.

"Are we playing in teams or individuals?"

"This sounds like a bad idea."

"Bad idea more like nothing will be resolved between any of us."

"I thought you said no fighting on this trip, yet here you are asking for the impossible thing at the moment Mom. You know we all will start fighting when we all accuse each other of cheating."

My Dads and Brothers voiced their opinions about how Mom wanted to settle the room situation amongst each other. They were right. There was no way that a fight wouldn't break out if we all played a game. This could frighten Leon as well since he never seen all of us play a board game. He's seen my brother fight over video games but never all of us with a board game.

"What did you have in mind Mom?" I asked, wanting to know what she picked for the game. She opens her carry on and pulls out the alligator head with the mouth wide open and you have to press the teeth down. If you got the one that closed the mouth you are out. With all of us it would take us a little while.

"Winner gets first pick, losers in rank order from one to eighteen get to pick next. First one to lose is starting our last place. Since there's nineteen of us, three of us will have to share a room. When a room has its full numbers of two take the piece of paper off the door."

Everyone understood the rules. The first one to lose was Daddy Mingi who threw a fit, In lost second place and it continued until Mom won First place, I won Second and Jongho won third.

"Okay now by order of first place to last place. One by one we will go pick a room. Most of all no one is complaining about who they are sharing a room with." Mom reminded everyone one. I assumed no one was pay attention when mom tapped my hand twice. Giving me the hint that she was going to room two. I acted like nothing happened. "Okay I'm going." She announced and headed to the room she wanted. I gave it five minutes and took my turn. Before leaving I looked at Leon and winked at him for a good luck gesture.

I headed to room two as well with my luggage. Opening the door to see mom standing there already pulling out her clothes from her suitcase. She stopped what she was doing, headed towards me. "Girls night!!" She said excitedly and hugged me. I laughed at her silliness, I was quite okay of sharing a room with her. She's been my rock throughout this pregnancy. She took the paper off the door to let the other know that this room wasn't available anymore.

"I wonder who the others will be paired up with?" I asked giggling to myself. Mom giggled with me.

"Hopefully Leon gets a room with some of your brothers and not your dads." She joked with me as we unpacked everything. We could hear yells and screaming in the room across from us. Who ever it was, was happy with who they had as a roommate.

We both rolled our eyes at them and continued with our jokes about my dads and brothers.

A knock came from the door. I went to open it. I saw the unhappy faces, that I couldn't help but chuckle at them. Dad San gently pushed his way in with Leon and Yejun right behind.

"Angel, please can we do a switch? I don't want to be placed with those two." Dad San begged Mom.

"Sannie, I say this with love." She said with a pause before giving him her answer. "No."

"Pleaaaassssseeee." He tried again with a bit of cuteness in the tone. Yejun made a disgusting expression, Leon rubbed his neck and I was trying to contain my laughter at how pitiful my dad was being.

"The answer is still no Sannie. When life gives you lemons and not apples you just deal with it. You are stuck bunking with those two. Now go, you three are disturbing the start of girls night. Unless you want to do nails, masks and talk about teenage gossip?"

"No thanks, I'm going to go play video games." Yejun said with no tone in his voice or words. Dad San sighed in defeat. He gave mom affection before going to look for the others to see what they have planned.

Leon was the last one to leave because he had stayed an extra few minutes to hug, kiss me and kiss his kids goodbye. Telling them to behave for me. When he closed the door. Mom came from behind and gave me a partial hug.

"I'm so proud of you Choi Jiwoo and never forget that." She gave me a proud smile that filled my heart with joy, happiness and so much love.

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